Famous blogger who celebrated ‘anti-vaxxer’, ‘anti-masker’ deaths 'dies suddenly' at 49

A celebrity writer and chef who inspired a best-selling book and hit Hollywood film ‘died unexpectedly’ last week after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. 

Julie Powell began her rise to fame in 2002 when she decided to cook all 524 recipes in a Julia Childs cookbook over one year. She documented her attempts on Salon.com with witty and entertaining commentary and gained a large following. 

Powell’s writings were compiled into a book which went on to sell over a million copies. A Hollywood film named Julie & Julia followed next, starring Amy Adams as Powell and Meryl Streep as Julia Childs. 

In addition to writing and cooking, Powell was passionate about the COVID-19 vaccine and face masks, celebrating the deaths of anyone who did not get the shot or cover their face. 

Last year, Powell responded to a tweet complaining that conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh had not died from COVID-19, which he had just recently contracted

“Covid never kills the right people. Our rapey Justice will be just fine,” wrote the netizen, referring to disinformation spread by the Left falsely claiming that Kavanaugh was guilty of attempted rape. “Real tragedy.” 

Powell, who has her “pronouns” in her bio, responded in agreement. 

"I would argue that COVID does kill some of the right people. The anti-vaxxers/maskers are dying in legions,” she wrote, then adding, “But yes. It’s a real shame about Kavanaugh.” 

In September, Powell expressed disappointment that she would have to wait three months for her “next booster”. 

On October 25, 2022, Powell complained of “Black Hairy Tongue”. 

“So I woke up with something that’s literally Black Hairy Tongue,” she tweeted. “People, including my doctor, seem to think it’s no big deal, and will go away soon, but it certainly is gross.” 

She died the next day. Her husband, Eric, told the New York Times the cause was cardiac arrest. 

Powell is one of many recent unexpected and largely unexplained deaths, which include many who were hostile towards those who refused the injections. 

Popular bodybuilder and author Doug Brignole last year issued a challenge to the “unvaccinated,” whom he deemed “misled,” saying that his death would be a litmus test for the safety of the shots.  

“I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done,” Brignole posted to Facebook in April 2021. “Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it (at least to yourselves). Better yet, you should admit that you were misled, and tell the world who misled you, so other people can benefit by avoiding those fearmongers.” 

Last month, the “unvaccinated” were vindicated when Brignole died suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 63. Brignole was in good health and preparing to guest pose at the AAU Mr. Universe in Las Vegas on October 22. Unverified reports allege that the death was caused by a heart attack. 

34-year-old John Ross, known for his belligerent rants against those who refused to get the COVID-19 injections, also died unexpectedly last month.   

“Fuck your memes and your feelings,” he wrote in a Facebook post last year. “Just get the damn vaccine and wear a mask. I dont know when people stopped believing in science but IT IS GOD DAMN SCIENCE. You all had to have vaccines to enter school. Stop being paranoid sheep about your own health and that of others. You don't like it then block me. The amount of mass stupidity about how viral bodies work is laughable. Its men and women with families in labs fighting for the ability for others to go home and see thier [sic] own families. The vaccine is not meant to prevent you from getting the virus. Its meant to keep you from dying a horrific death from the virus. That is why people with pre-existing conditions die from it when vaccinated. This concept is up there with the world being flat, the moon landing was fake, Walt Disney is frozen in ice, the earth is hollow, and people that don't believe in fucking climate change. I said my peace [sic] and those who know me know I've never had a problem doing so. If I have to stare at 10x as many posts that dispute this then I stand by the researchers, scientists, and experts that have devoted thier [sic] lives to these fields NOT the keyboard cowboys who have no expertise in a field they are leading you on with. Delete me if you have an issue with this.”   

On October 7, 2022, the day after he flew to Pennsylvania, John died of a sudden heart attack. According to his uncle, Robert Bonner, the coroner said John had 95% blockage in one artery alone.