Fake meat production up to 25 times worse for climate, says study

A preprint study published last month has concluded that fake meat production is likely “orders of magnitude” more harmful to the climate than real meat.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has long encouraged the consumption of fake meat, promoting companies such as Eat Just which manufactures lab-grown meat, eggs, and other foods. Eat Just is in part funded by globalist billionaire Bill Gates, who admonishes “rich nations” that they must switch completely to fake beef.

Some European countries have already embraced fake meat. Germany, Europe’s largest economy, sells plant-based meat products manufactured by Beyond Meat on shelves in over 1,600 stores.

Lab-grown meat, otherwise known as cultured meat is estimated to be a $2 billion industry and projections say ground beef will be almost completely displaced by fake meat by 2030-2040.

But in a new study, researchers from University of California, Davis say that if fake meat becomes as widely accepted as globalists would like, it could be extremely harmful to the climate.

“Currently, animal cell-based meat products are being produced at a small scale and at an economic loss, however companies are intending to industrialize and scale-up production,” the scientists say in their paper. 

“Results indicate that the environmental impact of near-term animal cell-based meat production is likely to be orders of magnitude higher than median beef production if a highly refined growth medium is utilised.”

Fake meat is created in a lab using cow stem cells. The cells are placed in a petri dish and injected with growth hormones until they develop into edible meat tissue.

The study’s researchers found that the production process for fake meat emits 246 to 1,508 kg of carbon dioxide per kilogram, while retail meat production produces only about 60 kg of CO2 per kilogram. The upshot — producing fake meat is 4 to 25 times worse for the climate than real beef.

Countries like the Netherlands are now closing farms because of their contribution to “climate change”. New York City last month declared war on meat for emitting too much carbon. Danish officials have been urging the government to impose a meat tax on Danes to reduce the country’s carbon footprint. Other proposals include World War II-style rationing of meat and placing meat-shaming labels on meat products in stores.