Fact Check: Did Australian man hunt down doctor who killed relative with COVID vaccine?

Frequent commentator on the danger of the mRNA injections, James Cintolo, RN, tweeted a short video which he describes as, “An Australian man hunts down the doctor that gave one of his family members a COVID vaccine that ended their life.”

The video shows a man sitting in the driver's seat of his car blocked from going forward by a red car stopped in front of him. A man approaches the driver, breaks his mirror and window with his fist and a pair of boomerangs (one of which breaks during the attack), verbally attacks the driver and grabs him by his shirt.

Cintolo and others understood the attacker as saying, "you gave the vaccine . . . it's lost her life," perhaps referring to the attacker's wife or another female relative.

For example, this Gab account reposted the video with this caption:

Unfortunately I think we may see more of this in the coming years, with MUCH worse outcomes. This Aussie man tracked down the doctor who gave his now deceased wife the COVID death-shot

Gave or got?

The audio accompanying the video, though, contradicts Cintolo's interpretation. When carefully listening to the audio, it becomes apparent that the attacker was yelling at both the driver and his passenger, not because they administered a vaccine to someone else but because of some other event. In his anger, the attacker berated them as being “idiots” for taking a vaccine that will kill them.

You broke my ****ing boomerang … ****ing idiots, you got the vaccine and it didn't bother ya. You both got the ****ing vaccine and it's lost ya life.

There's also no indication in the video or audio that the victim is a doctor.


Though making the rounds now on social media, the Daily Mail reported on this “shocking road rage clash" back on August 10, 2022. The attacker's partner dated the video to even earlier while also revealing what was behind the attack. The partner told Australian media, “[I]t was an old video and he was suffering mental health issues at the time.”

The attacker was identified then as Edward Von Moger, the brother of Calum, a three-time Mr. Universe winner who played Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 2018 movie Bigger. Calum himself had a mental health episode that culminated with his jump from a second floor window and an eleven-day hospital stay.

Research before posting

COVID vaccine proponents have already used this post to bolster their allegations that anti-injection claims are baseless “conspiracy theories”, pushed without sufficient research.