Facebook censors #DiedSuddenly hashtag

Facebook has blocked all posts containing the hashtag #DiedSuddenly, which has become an unofficial indictment against the COVID-19 vaccine amid an alarming rise in sudden, unexplained deaths

“Keeping our community safe,” a message reads underneath a lock icon when searching for the hashtag. “Posts with diedsuddenly are temporarily hidden here. Some content in those posts goes against our Community Standards.” 

It is unclear which Community Standards the hashtag violates, but the social media platform evidently chose to implement a sweeping ban on the term rather than simply block certain offending posts, as it often does. 

Since the start of COVID-19, Facebook has been overarchingly protective of the COVID-19 narrative and the authorities who craft it. 

“The blocking of this hashtag is the latest of many examples of Facebook censoring content that is critical of or raises questions about the COVID-19 vaccines,” reports Reclaim the Net. “Throughout the pandemic, Facebook has also mass censored anti-mask contentanti-lockdown content, and content that said the coronavirus came from a lab (a censorship policy that was suddenly reversed after the Biden admin announced that it would be investigating the origins of COVID).” 

Facebook is joined by other tech giants like Twitter, whose executives have boasted about their censorship of diverse viewpoints. 

Twitter has even coordinated its censorship with the Biden administration who pressured the platform to remove journalist Alex Berenson for his tweet about the COVID-19 vaccine, according to internal Twitter documents published this week. 

Berenson learned of the messages during his recent lawsuit against the company after the tech platform suspended his account in August 2021 for an unapproved tweet about the COVID-19 vaccine.  

The communications reveal an unidentified Twitter employee recounting a conversation with White House officials, including then-White House Coronavirus Response Team Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt in which Slavitt pointedly asked why Berenson had not been removed from the platform.  

 “They had one really tough question about why Alex Berenson hasn’t been kicked off from the platform,” the employee wrote in Twitter’s internal Slack messaging system. “Otherwise their questions were pointed but fair – and mercifully we had answers.” 

“[Just wondering] - any high level takeaways from the meeting?” responded another employee. “Anything we should keep an eye out for?”  

“They really wanted to know about Alex Berenson,” the first employee responded. “Andy Slavitt suggested they had seen data viz [visualization] that had showed he was the epicenter of disinfo that radiated outwards to the persuadable public.” 

But even Twitter allowed the #DiedSuddenly hashtag to trend on the platform last month. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, the trending hashtag was likely sparked by two Canadian hospitals who were forced to defend the COVID-19 shot after three of their physicians died within one week, following another who died earlier last month.  

“It is with deep sadness that Trillium Health Partners mourns the loss of three of our physicians who recently passed away,” the Trillium Health Partners hospital network told the Toronto Sun on Wednesday. “Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall were trusted colleagues who were committed to caring for their patients and community.” 

The three physicians reportedly worked at Trillium’s Mississauga hospital and have since been joined by at least three other young doctors in Canada.  

Trillium added, “The rumour circulating on social media” that these deaths could be linked to the COVID-19 shots “is simply not true.”  

While the hospital network noted that Dr. Lorne Segall’s death on July 17th was linked to a “year-long battle with advanced lung cancer”, it did not offer any cause for Dr. Stephen McKenzie’s death the next day nor for Dr. Jakub Sawicki, in his early thirties, who died on July 21st.   

North York General Hospital also contacted the Toronto Sun to assure the public that the sudden death last month of Emergency Department Director Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympic athlete who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest during a jog on July 17th, was not linked to the COVID-19 shots.  

But #DiedSuddenly quickly began trending on Twitter and users began sharing other injection horror stories, like Katie Fleagle, a 36-year-old mother who “died suddenly” in her sleep last month.  

Fleagle was an ardent believer in the COVID-19 injections.  

“Yes, Dr. Persoff is correct, people will continue to die from covid because people will still not get vaccinated,” Fleagle tweeted in May 2021. “Also wear your masks!!!”