Europe approves cricket powder for public consumption

The European Union this month approved the use of cricket powder in major processed foods sold to the public. The approval took effect Monday.

The approval grants a five-year exclusive right for Cricket One Co. Ltd to market its partially defatted cricket powder for use in “multigrain bread and rolls, crackers and breadsticks, cereal bars, dry pre-mixes for baked products, biscuits, dry stuffed and non-stuffed pasta-based products, sauces, processed potato products, legume- and vegetable-based dishes, pizza, pasta-based products, whey powder, meat analogues, soups and soup concentrates or powders, maize flour-based snacks, beer-like beverages, chocolate confectionary, nuts and oilseeds, snacks other than chips, and meat preparations, intended for the general population.”

Insect protein, particularly from house crickets, is currently being marketed and processed into foods around the world for general consumption as part of a “climate change” agenda set by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its members. 

Though the media persistently try to claim that the WEF’s push for insect consumption as a means to “fight climate change” is another conspiracy theory, the elite globalist organization continues to outwardly promote the practice, which is being adopted by Western countries.

In Australia, children are being fed crickets and conditioned to enjoy them as a snack. Frontline News reported in September that 1,000 Australian schools have added chips containing crickets to their canteens, which Australian media are calling “eco-friendly”. The chips are called Cricket Corn Chips and manufactured by Circle Harvest. 

One video shows three Australian schoolchildren eating the insect-laced snacks and being conditioned in real time by adults behind the camera. 

The news came after Frontline News reported in July that Canada’s government is investing $6.5 million (C$8.5 million) in a new production plant that will produce cricket protein for pet and human food, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada said in a statement. The facility will be run by Aspire Food Group, whose “vision is to celebrate, innovate, and advance responsible farming and healthy eating of insects,” according to the company’s website.  

The facility, located in London, Ontario, is expected to house four billion crickets and produce 13 million kilograms of cricket protein per year, according to CBC News.  

The decision to introduce insects into the mainstream food supply is an environmental one, according to Canada’s WEF-allied government.

Notably, the EU’s approval of cricket powder acknowledges the limited research on insect allergies, “which equivocally linked the consumption of Acheta domesticus [the house cricket] to a number of anaphylaxis events.” The government further acknowledged that consumption of cricket powder “may trigger sensitisation to Acheta domesticus proteins,” but concluded that since there is limited research available, the link to allergies is “inconclusive” and therefore does not require a warning label.