EMT suffers 'sudden heart attack' while treating young cardiac arrest patient

53-year-old East of England paramedic Jeremy Williams last week suffered a “sudden heart attack” while treating a 30-year-old woman suffering a cardiac arrest, reported ITV Anglia.  

Williams recalls feeling excruciating pain while trying to resuscitate the woman in Bedfordshire. His colleagues took over the resuscitation while others performed an emergency EKG on Williams. 

"In a matter of probably four minutes I went from feeling a little unwell, to feeling very, very unwell," he said. “I felt like I was dying. I've got a 12-year-old son. I don't really want to be leaving him, so my [thought] was 'I've got to survive this'.” 

"Obviously, with such a supportive team around me, I'm forever indebted to them for keeping me alive,” he added. 

Williams’ colleague said he had never heard of such an event. 

"I've been in this job for 22 years and have never heard of anything like this happening before, and really hope it never happens again," said Shaun Wittington. 

While it was not mentioned by ITV, the most probable culprit of this unprecedented event is the COVID-19 injections, which one peer-reviewed study from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says correlate to a 25% increase in cardiac events among younger people. 

Indeed, Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath in April said she there is no explanation for why there has been a sudden 40% surge in emergency code-one calls. 

Nor has there been any explanation for why 20-year-old college basketball star Derek Gray suffered a sudden cardiac event on the court last month, from which he later died. 

Nor has there been any explanation for why 13-year-old Athumani Brown last month collapsed and died as a result of a sudden cardiac arrest. 

Nor has there been any explanation for why 50-year-old Olympic athlete and North York General Hospital Emergency Department Director Dr. Paul Hannam suffered a sudden cardiac arrest during a jog last month, from which he later died. 

Nor has there been any explanation for why 35-year-old Notre Dame football star Paul Duncan suffered a sudden cardiac arrest last month, from which he later died. 

The mainstream media have been reporting an alarming increase in unexplained sudden deaths among young, healthy people which is “baffling” media doctors who have coined the phenomenon Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).