Elites decide Ukraine ‘most important thing in the world’ amid struggle to feed babies

The D.C. establishment Tuesday decided the war in Ukraine is the most important issue for Americans right now, even as the U.S. faces an emergency baby formula shortage. 

The announcement was made by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who revealed that members of the U.S. government had decided the war in Ukraine has priority over any other issue. 

“I think we all agree the most important thing going on in the world right now is the war in Ukraine,” McConnell told reporters at a Tuesday press conference. “I had a chance to call the president last week and request that the Ukraine package move by itself and quickly. He said, let me think it over. He called back in about 15 minutes and agreed that we need to do this for Ukraine only, and quickly.” 

At a request from Joe Biden earlier this week to fast track $40 billion in aid to Ukraine, Congress voted overwhelmingly Tuesday night to support the measure. 

“I think we’re on a path to getting that done, discussions are underway between the House and Senate appropriators on the crafting of the package,” he added. “It needs to be clean of extraneous matters, directly related to helping Ukrainians win the war.” 

With the measure passed, the United States has now provided Ukraine with a total of $53 billion in aid over two months. 

Perhaps unbeknownst to McConnell, Biden and their colleagues, polls show that the American people care more about inflation and the rising cost of living than the war in Ukraine. 

The aid to Ukraine comes as the U.S. faces a dangerous baby formula shortage due to the supply chain crisis. Some retailers have begun to ration their baby formula products to their customers, while other retailers display only bare shelves. 

According to a Fox News report last week, 40%-50% of formula brands had already sold out their stock. 

Part of the blame is being placed on the shoulders of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which shut down the largest U.S. formula plant three months ago but refuses to say when it will re-open the Michigan facility. Abbott Laboratories insists its Michigan plant was not the cause of the bacteria that killed two infants, reports the Daily Mail. 

“More money for Ukraine while baby formula is out of stock for Americans? Voted No,” tweeted Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). 

“Target baby formula shelf. We are sending 40 Billion to a far-off war while our babies go hungry. No serious country would act in such a manner,” railed political commentator Jack Posobiec. 

“$40B of our money is getting ready to be sent to Ukraine while we’re approaching a recession, have record inflation, getting killed at the pumps, and are in the midst of a baby formula shortage. At this point, I say we clean house. Primary everyone. Elect some real patriots,” wrote podcast host Zeek Arkham.