Ecuador Health Ministry ‘flagrantly scammed and mocked’ the Ecuadorian people with vaccine mandate

An Ecuadorian judge this week gave the South American country’s Health Ministry eight days to expand on an earlier reply to a freedom of information request submitted in June, for access to public information on Ecuador's mandatory polio, measles, and rubella vaccination campaign.

The request was originally submitted by Ecuadorian human rights organizations on behalf of children and youth, calling to halt the country’s mandatory vaccine campaign. The mandate was imposed by the Ecuadorian Health Ministry on May 2nd.

The mass vaccine operation commenced simultaneously in all the country's provinces, after the Health Ministry detected a case of measles. At the same time that the Judge's sentence emerged, Ecuador media reported 20 children in the city of Sangolquí had adverse reactions after receiving the injections.

The first hearing was supposed to take place on June 9th, but the plaintiffs arrived and the hearing was cancelled because the Health Ministry was “not notified” of the summons.

The next hearing was to have taken place on June 16th, but again Health Ministry representatives failed to appear.

The third hearing was to have taken place on June 23rd, and was again postponed.

The last hearing was held on July 11th, with Judge Georgina Toral Mena giving the Health Ministry and Minister Dr. José Ruales eight days to “correctly and completely clarify and expand” the information presented as evidence by the Ministry in the previous hearing. She also ruled that her provisions must be complied with intention to resolve the case by the next hearing.

Organization representative Engineer Glenda García told Frontline News: “The hearing was for information on the measles, rubella, and polio vaccines. The Health Ministry presented a June 8th time stamp as proof of having delivered the requested information in May. But this is a lie; they did not attach the document in the email to where it was supposed to have been delivered. The Health Ministry presented this document as proof of having submitted the requested information."

Ecuador Human Rights organization legal representative Attorney William Sánchez said his group challenged nine of the ten briefs that the Health Ministry “tried to pass as proof of compliance” with the freedom of information request.

“The only answer we accepted was their statement that vaccination against the presumed rubella, measles, and poliomyelitis was never mandatory. The whole country should know this, especially the parents who were coerced into allowing their children to be vaccinated, and who today are in frail health, so they can sue those who abusively and illegally pressured them.

“On the other hand, the judge gave the Ministry eight days to present the correct and complete information for the request, that will be counted from the time it is submitted in writing.

“However, due to the lack of time, I won’t detail the absurd and ridiculous excuses by the Health Ministry, which should concern all Ecuadorians of the low level of constitutional and public law knowledge that those in charge of protecting our country have.

“These gentlemen tried to justify themselves by saying that everything’s on the web, but we proved to them, in court, that the links they provided couldn’t even be opened.

“This is apart from the fact that even assuming at least part of the required information was there, the law obliges them to deliver it to the petitioners with what is called ‘passive transparency,’ that is, state institutions’ obligation to respond and deliver to citizens the documents and information generated in the process of management and administration of the organization.”

Sanchez continues: “What's more, at the height of their arrogance, they dared to claim it's not their fault if we don’t like their answers because according to them, the Health Ministry are the ones who know. They forget that among the plaintiffs we have two top-level doctors and a geneticist with almost fifty years of experience, not counting the rest of the professionals in other areas who, using elementary logic, noticed their failed deception.”

Plaintiffs representing Ecuadorian human rights organizations, from left, top: Attorney William Sanchez Aveiga, Engineer Glenda Garcia Solis, Dr. Mauricio Quiñonez Mendoza, Investigative journalist Eduardo Barba Arias, Dr. Carlos Heredia Fiallo, Dr. Rafael Morales Astudillo

Dr. Mauricio Quiñonez Mendoza called the Health Ministry delaying tactics “an insult to the intelligence.”

Quiñonez says: “We requested scientific and epidemiological arguments,” but the Health Ministry only delivered “a technical report, telling us the history of vaccination.

“We requested the vaccine lot numbers and the regulations on how to obtain them.

“We requested the contracts for purchasing vaccines against polio, measles, and rubella, but they sent us an agreement with the Pan-American Health Organization." He adds: “By the way, the vaccines aren’t free; they’re paid for with our taxes.”

Dr. Quiñonez recalls: “Finally, we asked about the COVID-19 vaccine health records. They answered that they cannot provide that information because it is confidential; this, while we already have a ruling in our favor, obligating them to comply and deliver the requested information.”

Dr. Quiñonez concluded: “I reiterate: Public health is managed with a series of blunders; this is only the tip of the iceberg; public health secrets turned out to be fatal for the community due to the side effects of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.

“Now they continue to experiment with the Ecuadorian people with the new bivalent vaccine.

“The cowardly silence of health professionals on this issue is highly suspicious.”