Dr Zelenko: 'Israeli government uses coercion against own citizens to force them into human experimentation'

Zelenko Protocol discoverer Dr. Vladimir Zelenko today issued a statement saying the Israeli government "uses coercion against its own citizens to force them into human experimentation," with a plea to halt the campaign.

"I am not God’s accountant and do not know why God does what he does," Dr Zelenko wrote. "But, it seems to me that if a society wants His protection they should  protect their unborn, sick, and elderly.

"The Israeli government uses coercion against its own citizens to force them into human experimentation.  Green passports are a tool of discrimination and exert an unconscionable amount of psychological pressure on innocent people.

"Informed consent has been disregarded and medical necessity is not considered.  Therefore, young and healthy people and those who already have antibodies are still being forced into an experimental medical intervention that they do not need."

He continued: "Israeli government - stop shooting microscopic missiles into the bodies of your innocent and non-consenting citizens.

"Proceed with caution, stop human experimentation, and gather more safety and efficacy data BEFORE using new and unapproved technology," concluded Dr. Zelenko.