Dr. Vladimir Zelenko nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has been included in a group of doctors nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their role in addressing the coronavirus pandemic. The list of this year’s nominees includes 43 candidates.

Dr. Zelenko achieved worldwide prominence for treating COVID-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine and zinc, finding that mortality dropped 8-fold with use of those two substances. He says treatment with hydroxychloroquine and zinc within the first 5 days reduces death rates by 85%.

“Basically, the main element of this treatment approach is zinc," he said in an interview. "Zinc inhibits a very important enzyme called RNA dependent RNA polymerase or replicase. It basically stops the virus from replicating or copying its genetic material, essentially reducing the amount of virus.

“However, zinc doesn't get into the cell of the viruses, they need a way to get the zinc into the cell, and that's the role of hydroxychloroquine in the outpatient setting. Hydroxychloroquine has four other, fourfold mechanisms of action, but those are relevant in the later stages of the disease.

“What I'm concentrating on specifically is the zinc ionophore property or the zinc transport channel property of hydroxychloroquine which lets the zinc go from outside the cell, inside the cell.

“And 3rd component of this was the antibiotic I was using azithromycin, based on the work of Dr. Raoul, and it turns out that azithromycin has both antiviral properties and antibacterial properties, and seem to prevent pulmonary complications.

“But it turns out, very simple: If you wait more than five, six days, that's when all the lung damage and the blood clots happen. So it's very important to intervene as soon as possible, as soon as you see the patient and you have clinical suspicion. And it's very easy to make the diagnosis."

As his treatment protocol was portrayed by mainstream media as an unsuccessful, dangerous drug regimen, Dr. Zelenko had been saving his patients lives with his “Zelenko Protocol” since March 2020. "I can give you reasons why there's resistance, it's very simple. It's called politics, profit, arrogance, and fear," he said.

Dr. Zelenko did not stop there, however, but flatly called hydroxychloroquine/zinc efficacy deniers "guilty of mass murder".

He led a White House petition asking that Dr. Anthony Fauci and three others be charged and brought to justice for “crimes against humanity/mass murder”.

On April 7th, 2020, Dr. Zelenko wrote a detailed letter to President Donald Trump, saying: "1. Based on my front-line experience, it is essential to start treatment against Covid-19 immediately upon clinical diagnosis of the infection and not to wait for confirmatory testing. There is a very narrow window of opportunity to eliminate the virus before pulmonary complications begin. Delaying treatment is the essence of the problem. My treatment regime is listed below and please know that as of today it has saved 383 patients without complications or negative side effects.

"2. Based on my front-line experience, the emphasis must be on preemptive treatment for high-risk patients in the outpatient setting - primary care and urgent care settings. It makes no sense to wait until a patient is admitted to a hospital and put on a ventilator. High-risk patients are those over the age of 60, those with underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems, and anyone with symptoms and shortness of breath.

"In addition, we should consider immediate prophylactic treatment of very high-risk individuals. Very high-risk individuals are front-line health care providers, nursing home residents, police officers, etc."

He concluded his letter to the President: "Any bureaucratic/man-made obstacles that interfere with doctors’ ability to treat their patients with these well-known, field-tested, inexpensive and life-saving medications in my humble opinion is inexcusable and should be treated as a crime against humanity."

In an explosive October interview with Barry Shaw, Dr. Zelenko revealed that his Protocol was what cured then Israel Health Minister Yaakov Litzman, but that ever since his successor, Yuli Edelstein took over, the Ministry has stonewalled him.

In that interview, Dr. Zelenko directed a special message to the people of Israel: “I'd like to tell the Israeli people that people should not be dying from COVID-19. The reason why people are dying is from ineffectual leadership and ineffectual policies. If you could take the politics and the economics out of it, then we can use their $20 treatment plan at home that will significantly reduce mortality and morbidity."

Quick treatment of coronavirus, he says, is crucial: "Within the first five days when symptoms start, the viral load or the amount of virus is relatively stable or constant. But around day six, it explodes like a wildfire. Now most patients don't come to the doctor right away. They come around day four or five...you wait until the results of the test, which takes three days, you get into day eight. And what happens by then is the patient is really sick, the fire's out of control. So the key is to treat based on clinical suspicion."

"This virus is here to stay, it's not going to disappear...it'll be around, it'll probably mutate as well. That's okay though," he added.

"My data will show that if you initiate treatment within the first five days, you have an 85% reduction in death and hospitalization. What that means is that this infection becomes no different than any other infection." He also said that the medication he uses is "one of the safest in the world."

"I invite anyone to prove me wrong. Go and prove me wrong. This medication, when scaled globally, will end this plague."

In the letter to President Trump, Dr. Zelenko presented his treatment:

My field-tested treatment regimen for high risk patients with clinical diagnosis is as follows:
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
Zinc sulfate 220mg (or the equivalent of 50mg elemental zinc) once a day for 5 days
I also suggest the following prophylactic regimen for very high risk individuals:
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg once a day for 5 days, and then 1 pill a week until immunity can be shown or a vaccine becomes available.
Zinc Sulfate 220mg (or the equivalent of 50mg elemental zinc) once a day for 5 days, and then 1 pill a week until immunity can be shown or a vaccine becomes available.