Dr Malone: Pfizer 'paid Israel' to experiment on population

Dr. Robert Malone, who is one of the architects of the mRNA technology that powers the COVID-19 vaccine and owns nine vaccine-related patents, sat down with The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens this week for an interview. 

During their hours-long talk, the two discussed Israel, whose government was the first to roll out an aggressive mass-vaccination campaign, even prior to FDA approval. Israel continues to push boosters on its populace despite a lack of data. 

Israel is now on its fourth booster and is working on vaccinating children ages 0 – 3. The country is highly vaccinated and highly infected with COVID-19. 

Owens posed a question to Malone asking what excuse the Israeli government has for its intense vaccination crusade. While we could be “empathetic” regarding the aggression of Israeli leaders in the beginning, Owens said, because the COVID propaganda was new and frightening, they know better by now. 

“Now we know we don’t, actually, really have everybody dying, now we know we that we really don’t know what we were talking about because we said ‘six feet social distancing’ - “ 

“Now, Candace, I have to be a little careful here because there are some dialogues that I’m involved in that have to do with the newly elected president of Israel, ok? So Israel may be moving into a transition period, so let’s hope,” Malone said as he crossed his fingers. 

“After the fourth booster,” Owens confirmed. 

“Well, the data is showing that the fourth booster isn’t working.” 

Owens emphasized her point that leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett cannot be excused for pushing a fourth booster on their population with all the data and knowledge we now have about the COVID-19 vaccine and its effect on people. 

“You and I are aligned,” said the vaccine scientist. 

Owens then went on to express her skepticism that Israel will stop after the fourth booster, because they shouldn’t even have allowed the fourth altogether. 

“I cannot put this together of why [Israel] would be at the forefront of continually boosting to no effect essentially, because we now know they lied in the beginning...I just cannot understand the mentality of their government,” Owens said incredulously. 

Malone suggested that it had to do with the fact that Israel is paid by Pfizer for its data on the effects of the vaccine. When the vaccine was first introduced, explained Malone, Pfizer made an agreement with the government of Israel to purchase data about the vaccine’s effects on the population, which is why Israel was the first country to aggressively pursue mass vaccinations. It is likely why Israel continues to introduce boosters which the government then forcefully mandates. 

However, the Israeli government does not disclose the vaccine’s adverse effects, presumably due to a contractual agreement with Pfizer. 

“Why wouldn’t [Pfizer] allow disclosure of adverse events from the Israeli databases?” Malone asked rhetorically. He said that the financial incentive for a drug company to restrict information about its products is “self evident”. 

“Now what’s the incentive for governments?” Owens asked. “...one would hope that at the very least, that for selling out your country and allowing all this to happen that you at least accepted a couple of trillion.” 

“You just made some key comments,” said Malone. “Selling out.” 

Dr. Malone has been highly vilified by the mainstream media and Israel's Ministry of Health for challenging the mainstream COVID narrative.