Dr. Ashish Jha looks toward extending transport mask mandate

Last month, Frontline News reported that Joe Biden has appointed Dr. Ashish Jha as the new COVID-19 commissar for the White House. 

Jha, known as the “Founding Father of Lockdowns”, was one of the architects of the unscientific policy that forced Americans to remain at home, causing damage to countless lives, in some cases irreparable. As the mainstream media’s “medical expert”, Jha also pushed heavily for mask mandates, especially on children. 

Jha now says that extending the mask mandate on public transportation, which is set to expire on April 18th, is “on the table”. 

Speaking with Savannah Guthrie on The Today Show, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator pledged to follow the CDC’s guidance on whether mask mandates should be extended, saying that it is definitely a possibility. 

“This is a decision that the CDC Director [Rochelle] Walensky is going to make,” said Jha. “I know the CDC is working to develop a scientific framework for how to answer that, we’re gonna see that framework come out I think in the next few days. And based on that, we’re gonna want to be guided by this decision." 

“Let me just ask you, Dr. Jha, does that mean that extending the mask mandate on public transportation is a live option, it’s on the table?” Guthrie cut in. 

“Look, this is a CDC decision, and I think it is absolutely on the table, and Dr. Walensky is gonna make her decision based on the framework that the CDC scientists create, and we’ll make a decision collectively based on that.

“Throughout the entire pandemic, we’ve wanted to make decisions based on the evidence and science, and that is what I expect we’ll do again this week, once we have that,” Jha added. 

But Jha helped lead the COVID-19 policies that science has found not only did not benefit the public, but wreaked devastation on millions of people. 

A study by Johns Hopkins University in January showed that lockdowns not only did not have any effect on mortality rates but proved to have severe negative consequences.  

“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted,” states the study. “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.” 

Another recent study by Clalit Health Services has found that COVID-19 lockdowns had a devastating psychiatric impact on Israelis, reports Israel Hayom.  

This comes after a report last month by Ha’aretz which warns of a “psychiatric pandemic” due to the harsh psychiatric impact of lockdowns and quarantines, particularly on children and adolescents.  

But despite his love for lockdowns, Jha maintained that the Black Lives Matter protests and gatherings in 2020 were justified, because racism carries with it “a serious risk and grave public health cost".  

Needless to say, Jha has also been a staunch advocate of vaccine mandates, particularly on airplanes.  

And as late as January 31st, Jha was still pushing for capacity limits indoors.  

Frontline News contacted Jha for comment on the overwhelming science contradicting his positions, but he did not respond.