Double tragedy: Baby 'dies suddenly' after mom 'dies suddenly' from blood clot

A British coroner last week said he is unable to explain why a two-month-old infant died suddenly in his sleep in July last year. 

Dexter Khan-Barnes was born prematurely at 32 weeks via cesarean section after his mother, Laura Barnes, suffered a fatal blood clot. According to Laura’s mother, Jennifer, Laura had also suffered a stroke in the months prior.

Dexter was discharged from the neonatal unit six weeks after birth into the care of his father, Shane Khan. 

On July 29, Dexter was evaluated by a nurse who visited the house in Lancashire and determined that the newborn was healthy, reports the Daily Mail. The next morning, Dexter’s father woke up to find that the baby’s arms were limp and his eyes discolored. He was unresponsive. 

Dexter was pronounced dead hours later and a postmortem was unable to determine the cause of death. At a court inquiry last week, Coroner Richard Taylor says there was no evidence of any prior condition or injury that would have been a contributing factor. Taylor offered that perhaps there was an “accidental air obstruction” but ultimately concluded that “the cause of death remains unascertained”.

Jennifer said at the hearing that her daughter always wanted to be a mother and at least now she is reunited with her son.

While Coroner Taylor was unable to determine a cause of death, medical experts have been warning about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine’s damaging effect on fetuses. This includes the UK’s own Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which throughout the pandemic advised against the shot for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

A study from Cornell University and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital of 122 women found that pregnant women who take the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA injections pass the antibodies to their babies through the cord blood in 99% of cases.

“Receiving two doses prior to birth will increase the likelihood that antibodies are transferred to the baby,” said lead study author Dr. Malavika Prabhu. “This finding is encouraging for pregnant women who want to protect both themselves and their newborn against COVID-19.”

Ob/Gyn Dr. James Thorp says the injections biologically impact fetuses through the thymus gland which can cause lasting damage to the immune system. The condition is referred to as vaccine-induced AIDS, or VAIDS.

“I suspect the cause of [the VAIDS cases] is because of the thymus gland,” Thorp said on Ask Dr. Drew last year. “The thymus gland is under the sternum, and it’s massive in the fetus – very tiny in [adults]. But it’s the organ that’s responsible for seeding all of the t-cell clones. And if you look at that Japanese biodistribution data, it also [shows that it] concentrates in the thymus. 

“I think there was a four-fold increase in the thymus, but that’s in an adult […] if you look at a newborn thymus it’s probably more like 120-fold because it’s so vascular and lipophilic,” he surmised, “and these children might have lifelong VAIDS because of that insult to the thymus in utero.” 

Dr. Thorp has been sounding the alarm over the COVID-19 injection’s “massive” side-effects on pregnant women. The Ob/Gyn, who specializes in high-risk obstetrics, says he has seen a shocking spike in miscarriages, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal malformation, fetal cardiac arrhythmia and inter-uterine growth restrictions caused by placental complications. 

“This is the great disaster in the history of medicine,” said Dr. Thorp of the COVID-19 injections. “This is the greatest disaster in the history of obstetrics.” 

“It’s completely against science,” he said, adding that he “will fight it until my last breath.” 

“I have a lot of emotional trauma, I have a lot of moral and ethical trauma from having to see what I’ve seen and the devastation and destruction of my pregnant women, my preborn children and my newborn children and women of reproductive age. I’m very, very angry at this administration and the whole political situation where we as physicians have a formal gag order put on us.”