Don't blame the vaccine'; whistleblower reveals hospital directive

A whistleblower at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical Center revealed that one of the top doctors at a major hospital ordered staff members to not blame mRNA injection injuries on the injection. The whistleblower reached out to entrepreneur and blogger Steve Kirsch to warn that the hospital staff was manipulating injury and death statistics. 

Ignore the CDC?

The directive is a violation of the CDC's vaccine injury reporting requirements.

Healthcare providers should report suspected adverse events following vaccination to VAERS for all vaccines currently licensed for use in the United States, and all COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use.

The CDC explains that this reporting system is necessary to provide “an early warning” from “the front line” when a new or newly adapted vaccine enters the market, potentially saving lives and preventing serious side effects, before a vaccine is more widely administered.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is an early warning system that helps CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) monitor health problems that may occur following vaccination. VAERS is a passive surveillance system, and relies on people sending in reports of their experiences.  As the frontline system for vaccine safety monitoring, VAERS depends on healthcare professionals to report any health problems of clinical significance that may occur after vaccination. 

Ignore patients?

Kirsch, who has used his fortune to fund a team of investigators to examine COVID treatments and mRNA injection dangers, provided the whistleblower with a platform. Utilizing his substack, Kirsch exposed the hospital chief, Dr. Josh Adler, listing 25 unanswered inquires he sent to the hospital about the vaccine injury coverup, including an open-ended request for an explanation of how hiding vaccine injuries benefits patients. 

The UCSF Chief Medical Officer has issued a verbal directive that medical staff (doctors, nurses, techs, etc.) are specifically instructed NOT to associate the COVID vaccine to any injuries. So even if they believe the vaccine caused the injury they are NOT allowed to talk to the patient about it. Can you explain how this is in a patient’s best interest?

Suspicions confirmed

Public health officials have been suspected of pressuring hospital directors, who then pressure medical staff, to link as many deaths as possible to COVID while refusing to link deaths to the COVID vaccine. The effects of the pressure were seen when patients hospitalized in ICUs with late stage cancer, before ever testing positive for COVID, had COVID listed as their cause of death, while patients suffering fatal heart attacks shortly after receiving the mRNA injections have heart attack listed as their cause of death.

These suspicions have not only been confirmed by staff in a major hospital, but by a staff member in a research and teaching hospital affiliated with UCSF School of Medicine. In fact, Dr. Adler, in addition to serving as executive vice president and chief clinical officer at UCSF Medical Center, is also vice dean for clinical affairs at the medical school, and is the subject of this unanswered inquiry by Kirsch.

I’ve been told that the staff are told not to ask if the person was recently vaccinated with the COVID vaccine because that would suggest to the patient that the COVID vaccine might have caused their medical condition. Is this true?

Frightened staff

Kirsch notes, however, that the whistleblower and colleagues fear going public with the truth about COVID vaccine injuries. Another unanswered inquiry directly asks whether the hospital would agree to not fire a member of its medical staff who discusses these vaccine injuries.

Most troubling to me is that I was not able to find anyone who currently works at UCSF (including doctors, nurses, and lab techs) who would talk to me on the record for fear of being fired. Why would these doctors and nurses have such a fear? Will you guarantee in writing that any staff member who speaks out about any of the points above will be protected and not be fired just for speaking out? Have you fired anyone for speaking the truth? Who? 

Kirsch goes on to list claims by additional staff members about high rates of placenta damage, high rates of COVID vaccine refusal by staff, and specific staff members who suffered vaccine injuries which were not reported by the hospital to VAERS. 

Fallen doctors

One doctor who has gone public about colleagues' failure to link vaccines to vaccine injuries is Dr. Michael Huang of California. Fox News captioned their interview with him as: “Doctors refuse to listen to patients with vaccine injuries: Dr. Michael Huang.” The interview included Dr. Huang' apology by on behalf of those colleagues. 

I have to apologize on behalf of my profession. That [as] physicians [they] have really fall[en] on [their] face[s]. And they have refused to listen to patients when they come in with vaccine injury symptoms and basically to assume that it doesn't exist.

Kirsch provided the details of Huang's experience with vaccine injuries and how he knows they're not mere coincidences. 

Dr. Michael Huang who practices in Roseville, CA has now treated over 250 nurses from Kaiser for vax injury. He's been a doctor for over 20 years. Prior to the COVID vax, he has only had to treat ONE vaccine injury. 

Not a coincidence

Of course, the alternative to claiming a linkage between a vaccination and an injury or death occurring shortly after the vaccination is indeed the claim that the temporal relationship is merely coincidental, a claim that has long frustrated the families of vaccine victims. In 2013 a group called the Canary Party created a video entitled, “Not a coincidence” featuring young women who died after taking the HPV vaccination and voices speaking as if they were the victims sending a message to the world that their deaths after the vaccinations were not coincidental.

DoD too

Frontline News previously reported on how difficult it is to have a vaccine injury linked to a vaccination in the military.

Jason Fields, an active-duty Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force serving in a United States Space Force unit, explains why many vaccine injured soldiers aren't even aware of the cause of their illnesses:

“[A] lot of the military medical community is not willing to recognize and/or record possible vaccine injuries. I have a number of documented cases where military members who believe they have suffered a serious vaccine injury are totally blown off by the military medical community. 

“The military members are told ‘there is no way’ or ‘I guarantee’ the issues are not related to the vaccine. Imagine the numbers if the medical community took this seriously. 

“In any other situation it would be considered medical malpractice to not fully investigate these medical issues and the root cause.”


According to a congressional report and a Harvard study, the underreporting of vaccine injuries is not limited to the military or to certain hospitals but is found throughout the nation, as covered by Frontline News, with “only a fraction” of the injuries being reported.

A congressional report on the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in 2000 revealed, “Former FDA commissioner David A. Kessler has estimated that VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] reports currently represent only a fraction of the serious adverse events.”

Likewise, a 2010 Harvard study found, “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed.”

Shockingly, of 376,452 vaccinated individuals, “35,570 possible reactions were identified” (9.4% of the subjects) over a period of three years in the Harvard research. 

In contrast, VAERS received just 29,736 reports in 2013 from the entire US population of 316 million that year, despite tens of millions of children and adults being vaccinated.

See our earlier article on the vaccine injury coverup by treating physicians:

It’s not the vaccine. What else happened?'