Doctors for Truth co-founder at Ibiza airport: ‘I won’t comply with Health Control, it’s illegal'

Medicos por la Verdad (Doctors for Truth) co-founder family and community medicine specialist Dr. Ángel Ruiz Valdepeñas - the first Spanish doctor to publicly question lockdowns, PCR tests, and the use of face masks - recorded a video at Ibiza Airport in which he refused to comply with “sanitary control” as it goes against the rights and freedoms of the Spanish constitution, Article 139.2.“You keep waiting in line with illegal laws, this is illegal!” Ruiz Valdepeñas is seen calling to fellow travelers in the video. “Freedom of movement! Article 19 of the Spanish constitution. Nobody can force us to get vaccinated, nobody can force us to take a diagnostic test,” he explains to those waiting in line, and continues on his way to the exit.When confronted by the Civil Guard, Dr. Ruiz Valdepeñas explains that they are obliged to comply with the Constitution and not to the orders that their bosses and leaders give them, to which the guard responds, "that’s the job we have to do." Dr. Ruiz Valdepeñas reminded him that is what they did in Auschwitz and many were convicted.Since taking a public stance against the official narrative, Dr. Ruiz Valdepeñas was suspended from professional practice for “violating public health”.

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