Doctor who predicted forced vaccinations speaks – Part I

Last month, Frontline News reported on Dr. Lee Merritt, a physician who accurately predicted in 2015 the tyranny that would be imposed using vaccinations. The surgeon wrote two articles, each issuing dire warnings about vaccine mandates, including a plan set in motion by the Obama administration to vaccinate the country by 2020. 

Last week, Dr. Merritt sat down with Frontline News correspondent Yudi Sherman to discuss how she was able to make that prediction. 

She said it began when she joined the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, of which she later became president.  

"These guys knew the Constitution better than anyone in politics,” she said. “I suddenly realized how important it is that you cannot let government take over the medical system. Not just for me, not just proprietarily because I didn’t want to have to deal with their nonsense, but because ultimately government medicines kill people.” 

She started to push back when the government first began to mandate the flu vaccine. 

“When I wrote these articles we were going to start mandating nurses to have the flu vaccine. And then doctors and everybody in the hospital to have this flu vaccine, under the guise that it’s going to keep the population safer.” 

“When nurses came to me and asked me what I thought I said it’s never legitimate to mandate risk,” she continued. “You cannot mandate ethically in medicine. I don’t mandate that somebody get their shoulder surgery, or that they do – even if they’re don’t force them to have anything.” 

When asked about how she was received after warning Americans of impending vaccine mandates, she says she was largely ignored. 

“I’m sure some people thought I was a nutcase. The majority of people ignored it, because they didn’t think it applied to them.” 

People told her that they didn’t believe it would happen. But she pointed out that it would happen in stages, and it had already begun. 

“Some guy would say, ‘I have weapons, they’re never going to vaccinate me.’ And I said, you know, if you feel this way now, I just want to point out, how did this start? It started when you admitted that they could mandate your children have vaccines. And then you allowed the nurses to have mandated vaccines. And then it was the EMTs and the firefighters and the police. And now, they’re coming for you.” 

Sometimes people confront her and accuse her of not believing that “vaccines save lives”, to which Dr. Merritt responds that at the time she wrote the articles, she did. But after looking more closely at the vaccines and seeing the harm they can cause, she realized it’s not about health. 

“People should have been awake for a lot of the nonsense about childhood vaccines,” she says. 

Dr. Merritt cautions people to always look at the data themselves and not rely on what they're told. That’s what she did with the 1918 Spanish flu, which she discovered was caused by electromagnetic toxicity. 

This is Part I in a three-part series featuring Dr. Lee Merritt. 

Dr. Lee Merritt experienced medicine first hand at age four accompanying her father on housecalls along the back roads of Iowa. She graduated in 1980 from the University of Rochester School of Medicine in New York where she was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. She completed an Orthopaedic Residency and served 10 years as a Physician and Surgeon in the United States Navy. After completing a Spinal Surgery fellowship she spent over 25 years in private practice. She served on the board of the Arizona Medical Association, and on the Naval Research Advisory Committee where she looked at medical defense issues for the military. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and has devoted her professional career to patient centered ethical medicine.