Doctor explains why establishment will not investigate vaccine injuries, deaths

Board-certified emergency physician Dr. Kelly Victory last week explained on Ask Dr. Drew why government officials are not seriously investigating injuries and deaths caused by the COVID-19 injections, which may be the cause for a recent spike in sudden deaths among young, healthy people. 

Dr. Victory brought up the surge in unexplained “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS) cases being reported by the media. The phenomenon is “baffling” media doctors, though physicians like Dr. Drew and Dr. Victory have an inkling. 

“I don’t understand why it’s not being dealt with with a sense of urgency,” Dr. Drew wondered after citing the COVID shot’s hallmark side effect of myocarditis. “To me, it’s like what they’re saying is ‘oh, this really isn’t real.’ Maybe we are overreporting it, but then publish something that tells me that that’s the case. And I don’t think that’s what they’re finding.” 

“They seem to be afraid of the truth, always,” he added. 

“I think the reality is this,” Dr. Victory replied. “They know darn well it’s the vaccines. And their ramifications, the repercussions of that are so profound.  

“To come out and say now, ‘whoops’ after people have lost their jobs, lost their livelihoods, got kicked out of the military, weren’t able to finish their educations, were forced – mandated, in many cases, to get these injections – to come out now and say ‘Turns out, we actually hadn’t tested them. We never tested them on pregnant women or women of childbearing age. We never tested them on people with autoimmune diseases. We never tested them on people who are on x, y and z class of drugs. We just gave them a, again, broad brush, told everybody to get one. Not only get one – get two, get three, whatever it is.’  

“I think the fallout, Drew, would be so profound, that I’m just not sure they can get their arms around it.” 

The physicians agreed that it would have been more acceptable in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic had authorities admitted that the vaccine had not been thoroughly tested and administered it to older, at-risk people in nursing homes. Older patients, the doctors pointed out, are not concerned about fertility, nor at risk for myocarditis. 

“I could have lived with that,” said Dr. Victory. “But the idea that you’re going to take young military recruits who have not a risk in hell of getting significantly ill from COVID, and you’re going to force them to take these vaccines that can have life-long effects? I mean, it’s unconscionable.”  

The full video can be seen here