Do vaccinated regret injections?

Journalist Alex Berenson Tuesday posed two questions to Twitter users about a topic seldomly discussed: regret over the COVID-19 injections by those who believed in them. 

“Maybe unanswerable question: How much quiet mRNA regret is out there?” the author wrote. “I don't mean in folks who never wanted to be jabbed and were forced, I mean those who did so willingly in early 2021. How many of those folks feel now badly fooled? 

“Second q: what will that regret mean?” 

While some users defiantly parroted that the COVID-19 injections are “responsible for the low hospitalizations and deaths” and “time to move on,” they were few and far between. 

Overwhelmingly and heartbreakingly, the regret rolled in: 

“Tremendous regret. I took it to protect my vulnerable preemie with congenital heart disease when we were told it would stop transmission. I had debilitating joint pain and an inflammatory reaction that resulted in major surgery, from which I’m still recovering.” 

“Unbelievable regret. I got vaxxed to protect my vulnerable son after being promised it would stop the spread. I was in the ICU less than a month later, fighting for my life as my immune system attacked all of my organs. I've never been the same and I have no recourse.” 

“I volunteered for Pfizer clinical trials in 2020. I felt I was doing the right thing. No quiet regret - I tell everyone who will listen. I've had my heart start racing for no reason and only realize it when my Apple watch warns me.  I've lost what little trust I had. Never again.” 

“The biggest regret I have is allowing my 15 yr old daughter to get jabbed because ‘everyone else was'.” 

“Got 2 shots + 1 booster here. That booster gave me Bell's palsy for a month. I regret it, and the takeaway is that I will never take another vaccine that doesn't have decades of studies, and advocate the same to my loved ones.” 

“My brother was jabbed because he wanted to go to the gym and didn’t think much of it. Now he regrets it and is scared he’s going to die.” 

“A good friend of mine got the booster and has been sick with everything since January.  She regrets it and thinks she has AIDS because of the shots.” 

“I'm sure my brother regrets taking three of them. He passed away after from an arrhythmia that caused instant cardiac arrest. His heart was 100% fine before taking P F I Z E R!” 

“I took the first [AstraZeneca shot] in [sic] March 21, (altho puzzled that the top priority groups 1-4 had been expanded down to group 9, the healthy over 50s), because I didn’t want poor uptake to justify delaying lifting restrictions. Feel utterly duped, all trust in all institutions is gone.” 

“I’ve never vaxxed, never been tested and never been sick. My 55yo sister, however, was happy about the vaccine and received 2 initial doses plus the booster. This was her saddle pulmonary embolism in June 22. Now she’s on Eliquis to prevent recurrence,” wrote one user above a photo of what appears to be a piece of lung. 

“My good friend is a teacher at a private middle school that required all the students get jabbed. Yesterday she let it slip that ‘all the students are so sickly right now.’ She forgot she was talking to me (unjabbed) and I could tell she doesn't want me to know what is happening.” 

“I regret it knowing what I know now, this means for me even less trust in pharma and government.” 

“Everyone I know who got jabbed told me they would not get another one. I had a close friend tell me he got his booster on May 18. The next day he collapsed at work clutching his chest. He went into a coma and passed away exactly one week later on the 25th.” 

“My daughter regrets it big time and she’s terrified of the consequences. A young friend of ours ended up with pulmonary embolism in both lungs and nearly died last week. She’s afraid of it happening to her. She’s had multiple issues since getting it.” 

“Quiet regretter over here: Took the jab in spring 2021 trusting the FDA/CDC, and wanting my ✅ for leisure and travels. When the trials were published I started to seriously regret it. Regrets only grew bigger as time past as the vax were shown not only useless but also dangerous.” 

“I took it in early 2021 as a provider with numerous exposures and wanting to encourage public vax uptake at the time. By March I saw vaxxed folks infecting others and realized it's pretty worthless. And my state doubled down, ultimately implementing vaxports last winter.” 

“I received the vaccine in February of 2021 and regretted it by July 2021. My trust in the health care industry is completely broken. So much so that I will not receive another Flu vaccine and am going to be very careful with the treatment I let my daughters receive.” 

“Took one for the team, modeRNA, four months later my heart muscle went wonky, irregular beats, sky high blood pressure, etc, and I had to go on medication, something I vowed never to do. I was angry at myself for a year, since my instincts were howling for me to not do it. ????.” 

“Regretted it the same day I took it. My health has never been the same, I was banned from going in person to almost everything for a year bc I wasn’t fully vaxxed, have had to fight for acknowledgment and medical treatment, and have been censored for just speaking my story.” 

“Should have trusted my gut and not fallen to the pressure.  17 months later and still trying to   walk normal again.   Lord forgive me for I had taken the devils bait.  I want my life back.” 

“I regretted it a day or so after the second shot.  Had major swelling, joint problems, and ringing ears for a few months after.  Regret means I never had and will not have a booster. had Covid this year twice, not nearly as bad as the second shot (personal experience obviously).” 

“My in laws regret it terribly. My mother in law is now bald. Her hair started falling out in clumps exactly 90 days after her last jab. She was extremely healthy before. The doctors have no explanation for the cause but she has zero doubt it was the vaccine.” 

“At the time I was a carer and had 3 jabs  even though I have autoimmune disease and was worried, now I'm off work due to an increase of symptoms, I will not be going back.nearly 30 yrs caring gone.” 

“I was jabbed one time in December. I have chest pain and pressure, palpitations, breathing irregularities, fatigue, depression, panic attacks, and more since then. Safe to say I highly regret it.” 

“All of my family members regret it. Some have had serious adverse reactions including blood clots, chest pains, severe gastro issues, thyroid dysfunction, bleeding eyes. None got the booster. All eventually got Covid, though. My instincts screamed ‘hell no’ & I remain unjabbed.” 

“I didn’t have regret until my 22yo son came home from working out with chest pains. No doctor would see him in person, and the one who did talk to him told him it was nothing. Then his girlfriends period got so messed up for months. I worry if they will be able to have kids?” 

“I got jabbed just so that I could travel freely for my job.  Without it I would have spent half of 21 in quarantine.  Now I wonder what it is going to do to me and if it was responsible for some of the med problems I have been having. I'll probably never know.”