Vaccinated politicians preen after contracting COVID, use as proof jab needed

Politicians in recent days who have come down with COVID-19 have used the infection to praise themselves for getting vaccinated and push others to get the jab. 

On Sunday, former President Barack Obama took to Twitter to notify the public that he tested positive for COVID-19, and to credit the vaccine as the reason for him “feeling fine”. 

“I just tested positive for COVID,” tweeted Obama. “I’ve had a scratchy throat for a couple days, but am feeling fine otherwise. Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. It’s a reminder to get vaccinated if you haven’t already, even as cases go down.” 

The next day, Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced the same thing. 

“Today, I tested positive for COVID-19,” the former governor tweeted. “I’m abiding by all public health protocols to quarantine. Grateful for 3 shots that made this a mild case, and a reminder to all who have not been vaccinated to do so ASAP.” 

The same day, Democratic Pennsylvania Congresswoman Madeleine Dean also tweeted the same message. 

“This morning I tested positive for COVID,” Dean wrote. “My symptoms are mild — similar to a seasonal cold — which I am thankful for and attribute to being three-times vaccinated. If you can — please protect yourself from this virus by getting vaccinated, even as we come out of this pandemic.” 

However, many social media users did not take the bait. 

“I’m vaccinated and got sick so you should get the vaccine for the thing I’m now sick with,” quipped Rubin Report host Dave Rubin. 

“Do they get a script?” tweeted influencer Sarah Beth Burwick. 

Many users who are vaccine-free noted that they, too, experienced mild to no symptoms, and even criticized the politicians for advocating the vaccine as safe. 

“Covid for me was a mild fever and body aches for two days. That's all. And I'm UNVAXXED. Grateful I don't have to worry about blood clots and heart attacks,” one user replied to Shaheen, referencing the dangerous reported side effects from the vaccine. 

“My brother and his wife were infected and recovered within a week,” wrote Azmi Arshad. “Very mild. Two of their children living with them remained negative. None of them were vaccinated. My cousin got his first shot, got covid and passed away. A double jabbed close friend passed away of covid.” 

“What evidence, not statements, do you have to support your claim that the vax made it more mild?” tweeted another user. “How do you know this? How could you possibly substantiate this claim?” 

One of the issues many have with the argument that COVID-19 “would have been worse if I wasn’t vaccinated” is that it’s trying to prove a negative. For the statement to be credible, it would require being infected with COVID-19 while unvaccinated, then being infected with the exact same strain of COVID-19 while vaccinated.