#DiedSuddenly trends on Twitter after 3 physicians die in one week at same hospital

The hashtag #DiedSuddenly started trending on Twitter Thursday, likely sparked by two Canadian hospitals who were forced to defend the COVID-19 shot after three of their physicians died this week, following another who died earlier this month. 

“It is with deep sadness that Trillium Health Partners mourns the loss of three of our physicians who recently passed away,” the Trillium Health Partners hospital network told the Toronto Sun on Wednesday. “Dr. Jakub Sawicki, Dr. Stephen McKenzie and Dr. Lorne Segall were trusted colleagues who were committed to caring for their patients and community.” 

The three physicians reportedly worked at Trillium’s Mississauga hospital. 

Trillium added that “The rumour circulating on social media” that these deaths could be linked to the COVID-19 shots “is simply not true.” 

While the hospital network noted that Dr. Lorne Segall’s death on July 17th was linked to a “year-long battle with advanced lung cancer”, it did not offer any cause of death for Dr. Stephen McKenzie’s death the next day or Dr. Jakub Sawicki, in his early thirties, who died on July 21st.  

North York General Hospital also contacted the Toronto Sun to assure the public that the sudden death this month of Emergency Department Director Dr. Paul Hannam, an Olympic athlete who suffered a sudden cardiac arrest during a jog on July 17th, was not linked to the COVID-19 shots. 

But #DiedSuddenly quickly began trending on Twitter Thursday and users began sharing other injection horror stories, like Katie Fleagle, a 36-year-old mother who died suddenly in her sleep this month. 

Fleagle was an ardent believer in the COVID-19 injections. 

“Yes, Dr. Persoff is correct, people will continue to die from covid because people will still not get vaccinated,” Fleagle tweeted in May 2021. “Also wear your masks!!!” 

Other users chimed in with their stories and thoughts. 

“Four young doctors in one hospital system #DiedSuddenly but DON'T WORRY, the two involved hospitals DENY they were vaccine-related (but offer zero evidence in support of that claim).”

“#DiedSuddenly is now sadly becoming common. Questions need to be asked NOW. Why all of a sudden are we hearing countless reports of young fit and healthy people suddenly dying. And why are Dr’s now saying they are BAFFLED what is the cause? Maybe a guilty conscience. R.I.P Angels.” 

“Leah Rogers (17) was on her first parent-free holiday with friends shortly before she fell ill... But later she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder called hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis ...The sibling of two and loving ‘beautiful daughter’ died on June 7. #diedsuddenly.” 

“My Mother in Law was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on 5/18 and died on 7/20. Very healthy.  I can’t help but think it was from the jab.  Cancer, stroke, etc will continue to rise because of this poison.#DiedSuddenly.” 

“#DiedSuddenly should never be a trending hashtag but here we are in 2022. A post pandemic world is going to be difficult for many of you who trust the demonic Saturnists/Satanists who dictate your life.” 

“Why has there recently been a large increase in apparently healthy people suddenly dying? The media has it figured out. #DiedSuddenly,” tweeted one user above a collage of headlines showing the many new possible causes of death reported by the media, but never the COVID shot. 

Last month, America’s Frontline News reported that even mainstream media are sounding the alarm on an increase in sudden, unexplained deaths which are baffling the media’s doctors, who have named the phenomenon Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).