Did the Soviet Union fake its own funeral?

Could it be that the enemies of freedom stand to gain no matter which side prevails in the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Could Ukraine’s current leader actually be aligned with Russia’s Putin in a plan to allow the Russians greater overt influence over Ukraine while obtaining large amounts of economic and military aid. 

Those supporting Western intervention would be in favor of funding and arming Ukraine while those opposing intervention would, de facto, be in favor of allowing an increasing Russian influence over Ukraine, whether through the presence of Russian troops or through agreements to bend Ukraine’s foreign policy in Russia’s favor. 


Most startling, pro-freedom activists, who genuinely worry about arms and money provided to Ukraine ending up in the hands of Ukranian Nazis or other socialists, feel obliged to ward off attacks on Putin; absurdly resulting in ardent anti-communists defending the notorious agent of the KGB, known for its torture chambers, who came to direct the entire agency when it was renamed the FSB - Vladimir Putin. Is there a third option?

A defector of a different type

Unlike establishment-aligned Soviet defectors who conduct national tours and appear on television, Anatoliy Golitsyn never made public appearances. Following his defection in 1961, he resided in a secret location for the remainder of his life. Golitsyn escaped from his Finnish residence during a white-out snowstorm that made it impossible for his colleagues in the KGB to track him, his wife and their daughter as they fled to the US embassy, during their perfectly timed Christmas visit. 

More than 50 KGB agents secretly living in the West were quickly assigned with both discrediting and assassinating him.  Meanwhile, the Soviets canceled every upcoming meeting that had been scheduled with high-ranking agents, knowing that Golitsyn was disclosing their identities.

Too frightening to ignore

Golitsyn was prompted to defect after his work in the KGB’s ultra-secretive Department D, its strategic planning department.  Through his work, he was brought face to face with a long-term disinformation plan to create a global police state with funds and arms supplied by the West. Golitsyn began warning the West that a fake collapse of the Soviet Union would feature former top leaders not being killed, as was typical of revolutions, but rather being labeled “former communists".  They would remain in power, receiving Western aid for their unsustainable socialist economies and using this aid to expand their revolutionary activities throughout the world. 

After preparing memoranda for the CIA on the planned deception, Golitsyn fought for CIA approval to publicize this information.  Finally, in 1984 he was allowed to publish New Lies for Old in which he warned,

The Communist strategists are now poised to enter into the final, offensive phase of the long-range policy, entailing a joint struggle for the complete triumph of Communism … the Communist strategists are equipped, in pursuing their policy, to engage in manoeuvres and stratagems beyond the imagination of Marx or the practical reach of Lenin and unthinkable to Stalin. 

Among such... stratagems are the introduction of false liberalisation in Eastern Europe and, probably, in the Soviet Union and the exhibition of spurious independence on the part of the regimes in Romania, Czechoslovakia and Poland … 

The "liberalization" would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the communist party's role ... The KGB would be "reformed." Dissidents at home would be amnestied; those in exile abroad would be allowed to return, and some would take up positions of leadership in government … There would be greater freedom for Soviet citizens to travel.” [Emphases added].


Golitsyn is the “only KGB defector to have attended the Soviets' higher intelligence academy”. Former CIA counter-intelligence director James Angleton identified him as "the most valuable defector ever to reach the West," not just for revealing high ranking double agents but for exposing the most dangerous Soviet strategy, disinformation. Just three months after his defection, the CIA’s SR Division chief wrote about Golitsyn:

Subject has already made an outstanding contribution to the intelligence and counterintelligence mission of the United States Government by furnishing valuable information of first priority concern to national security. This Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation continue to exploit his knowledgeability of Soviet intelligence operations in many parts of the world.

Check in for the continuation of this series as we answer these questions:

Did the Soviets ever fake their demise before?

How accurate were Golitsyn’s predictions?

Does the US fund ‘former communists’?

Is Russia reoccupying the former Soviet republics one by one?

Who’s really in charge in Russia?

Who’s really in charge in Ukraine?

Is the Ukraine war a controlled conflict?

How should the West respond in Ukraine?