Destroying science by funding it

One professor stood out from the crowd of scientists who dared not question the abandonment of well-established criteria for deeming a pathogen guilty of causing a particular disease. 

Science “adapted” to political agenda

Government funded “science” died the day politicians changed a century of microbe research to fit their predetermined decision to rename more than 30 old non-contagious diseases as a new disease (AIDS) allegedly caused by a new virus (HIV). 

Frontline News covered the proofs published by world renowned virologist Peter Duesberg, demonstrating that HIV failed to meet Koch’s Postulates for a microbial cause of disease.

HIV was around long before AIDS

Not only did HIV fail Koch’s age-old standards, but it was not even new! Public health officials already knew how to determine whether a virus is new.  

Professor Duesberg explains, according to Farr's law, the age of a microbe in a population is determined by changes in its incidence over time. If a microbe is spreading from a low to a high incidence, it is new; however, if its incidence in a population is constant, it is old.

HIV, being constant at 0.4% of the US population, even as AIDS cases skyrocketed, mimics the steadiness of old viruses like candida and is thus a virus which, while discovered only in the 1980s, has been hosted by humans for far longer, going back to a time when AIDS was unknown, as demonstrated in the below graph created by Duesberg.


This graph alone is enough to discount the HIV-AIDS theory, without even getting into the fact that active HIV is absent in almost all AIDS patients. 

So how did America’s politically appointed public health officials react to this news that could save millions of people from unnecessary, painful and potentially lethal treatments to kill off negligible amounts of already neutralized and harmless HIV? 

Defunding the messenger

Discover Magazine summed up the “reward” bestowed upon Professor Duesberg for pointing out the king’s nakedness, “Biologist Peter Duesberg was all but banished from science for his views on HIV.”

As detailed in Inventing the AIDS Virus,

the AIDS establishment made its most effective counterattack by going after Duesberg's funding, the lifeblood of any scientist's laboratory. 

In 1985 the NIH [National Institutes of Health] had awarded him an Outstanding Investigator Grant (OIG), a special seven-year grant designed to give accomplished scientists the freedom to explore new ideas and directions without constantly having to apply for new funding. 

The time for renewal application arrived … But .. Duesberg received the shocking news: His rating by the peer review committee was so low as to guarantee the grant would be discontinued …

Attempting to keep the lead dissenter in line

Using the proverbial carrot and stick, public health officials did not conceal what actually drove them to threaten Duesberg with defunding.

Though referring to Duesberg as "one of the pioneers of modern retrovirology," the committee [reviewing his funding application] betrayed its real motives by complaining that he had ventured off to question the cause of AIDS. 

According to the reviewers, 

"Dr. Duesberg has become sidetracked" and "can no longer be considered at the forefront of his field” ... 

“More recent years have been less productive, perhaps reflecting a dilution of his efforts with non-scientific issues." [Emphasis added].

Fund it to kill it

What were those “non-scientific issues” taking up Duesberg’s time? The public health officials were referring to Duesberg’s research into the cause of the very same immunosuppression illness that was assigned top priority by those very officials who were now labeling it a non-scientific pursuit! 

The very fact that a group of top researchers would consider the questioning of orthodox views in science as "nonscientific" comments powerfully on how completely science has been turned upside down since it had become totally dependent on the centralization of funding in the NIH. [Emphases added].

Since Duesberg was arguing for the avoidance of pharmaceuticals, as well as recreational drugs, in AIDS patients, there was no incentive for private pharmaceutical companies to fund his research. Thus, a block on government funding would mean the closure or downsizing of his laboratory and his research efforts, and those of like minded researchers, leaving only pro-HIV-AIDS theory researchers to fill the scientific journals.  

No fair playing field for dissidents

In setting up the review of his application for continued research funding,

. . . the deck had been deliberately stacked against Duesberg. Of the ten specially selected reviewers, two had severe conflicts of interest. Dani Bolognesi was a Burroughs Wellcome consultant who tested AZT [the cancer drug expected to fight HIV]  for the company, and Flossie Wong-Staal was a former researcher for Robert Gallo [who falsely claimed to discover HIV]. 

Of the remaining members, Duesberg accidentally discovered that three had never reviewed the grant at all … . Thus, it would appear that the NIH had rigged the outcome. 

Dried up

Since then, everyone of his seventeen peer-reviewed grant applications to other federal, state or private agencies - whether for AIDS research, on AZT and other drugs, or for cancer research - has been turned down…

Even in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, where Academy members such as Duesberg have an automatic right to publish papers without the standard peer review, he nevertheless encountered serious trouble … 

[making] Duesberg the second member in the 128-year history of the Academy to have a paper rejected from its journal.

Check back

Please visit us to see how the government upped the pressure on Duesberg beyond what we report here and for the general continuation of our AIDS series as we explore:

  • What do coronavirus and HIV have in common?
  • What do the COVID vaccines and the HIV treatment have in common?
  • How many times have public health officials mistakenly blamed a virus or bacteria for a disease?
  • Who’s censoring Kennedy’s expose The Real Anthony Fauci?
  • Was AIDS a trial run for COVID?

Previous articles from our AIDS series: