Democrats are tying the Pelosi incident to Jan 6, and they’re right: Analysis

An apparent coordinated campaign by the Biden administration, Hollywood, and the mainstream media is attempting to tie Saturday’s reported attack on Paul Pelosi to January 6th.  

According to still-evolving reports, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called 911 around 2:30 AM Saturday to report an intruder, who Pelosi told police was his “friend” and identified as “David”. When police arrived, they found Pelosi and suspect David DePape both in their underwear, struggling over a hammer. DePape wrested the hammer from Pelosi and struck him with it before being hauled away by police. 

DePape is a registered Green Party member whose house is adorned with the rainbow flag and a Black Lives Matter sign. Some reports describe DePape as a “Castro-supporting nudist transient from Berkley, CA.” However, media outlets have been portraying him as a member of the Far-Right, citing recent social media posts by DePape which link to videos questioning the 2020 election. 

Police have not confirmed any political motive. 

Hours after the incident, Biden gave a speech pinning the affair on Republicans which he also connected to January 6th. Biden explained that when DePape had somehow broke into Pelosi’s house, he reportedly asked, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” - the same three words spoken by one of the January 6 attendees. 

Citing reports “that the same chant was used by this guy that they have in custody that was used on January 6, the attack on the U.S. Capitol,” Biden blamed it on “one party” which talks “about stolen elections, COVID being a hoax, [that it’s] all a bunch of lies.” 

Biden was obediently echoed by the mainstream media. 

“Before the assault occurred, according to the source, the intruder confronted Mr. Pelosi in their home, shouting, ‘Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?’” said MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell Friday. “That’s what the intruders going through hallways on Jan. 6 were shouting: ‘Nancy, Nancy,’ this is part of the January 6th insurrection toxicity that has infected the brains of people around the country in horrible ways, if this is accurate.” 

“January 6 Never Ended: An assault on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband offers a ghastly echo of the attack on the Capitol,” read a headline from The Atlantic. 

The Hollywood elite also joined in to amplify the message. 

“Donald Trump has been spreading The Big Lie for 2 years,” tweeted actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner. “The violent assault on Paul Pelosi and the attempt to murder Speaker Pelosi is directly related to that Lie. Donald Trump is 100% responsible for this and Jan.6. He must be indicted and never be allowed to hold office.” 

The Democratic power axis is right to draw comparisons between the Pelosi affair and January 6th, though perhaps not for the reason it thinks. 

Just as the events on January 6th are wrought with mysteries, such as incitement and orchestration by an FBI agent, so is Paul Pelosi’s story. 

For example, security footage from January 6th shows the Capitol’s doors being voluntarily opened to rallygoers from the inside. So, too, Politico reports that when police officers arrived at the Pelosi house while the two men were struggling, they “knocked on the front door and were let inside by an unknown person.” 

Many are also questioning how an underwear-clad “Castro-supporting nudist” was able to slip past the neighborhood’s security guards and cameras and then slip past the security cameras, brick wall and other protective measures surrounding the Pelosis' San Francisco home. 

“So let's get this straight, a man in his underwear manages to elude security cameras, Scale a wall & elude security guards and dogs, breaks into a home without setting an alarm off but is somehow captured with a hammer because of a wellness check at 2am,” questioned comedian and political commentator Terrence Williams. “Fishy Pelosi Story Right?” 

Others question why, according to the the 911 dispatcher, Paul Pelosi knew the intruder’s name and referred to him as his “friend”. 

According to one unconfirmed report circulating social media, Pelosi was engaged in a homosexual affair with DePape, a male prostitute, while his wife was in Washington, D.C. The report might have been discarded if not for the fact that billionaire Elon Musk tweeted the report at Hillary Clinton, who was engaging in baseless rhetoric blaming Republicans for the incident. 

“There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye,” Musk wrote above a link to the report in the Santa Monica Observer. 

Mainstream media dutifully rushed to dismiss the report as “misinformation”. As evidence, they cited a low rating by NewsGuard, a news-ranking site created by Left-wing journalists to fight “misinformation”. 

NewsGuard’s rating for the Santa Monica Observer was created today, just in time for news outlets to dismiss the report about a Pelosi-DePape sexual affair. 

But NewsGuard itself acknowledges that the Santa Monica Observer “does not repeatedly publish false content, raising questions about how sites like Axios are sure the report is "misinformation”.

Notably, Google searches for the report only display news items dismissing it, but not the report itself.