Democrat politician: Nuclear family ‘dangerous and un-American’

Democratic South Dakota state House Representative Erin Healy Monday slammed the idea that a family with a mother and father is the safest place for children.

“Extremist group Family Heritage Alliance said this morning that the safest place for kids are in families that have a married mom and dad. What a dangerous and un-American belief,” Healy tweeted. 

She received enough backlash that she disabled the ability for people to reply to the tweet.

Family Heritage Alliance is a South Dakotan Christian non-profit that works “To Champion the Judeo-Christian values of Faith, Family and Freedom”.

"The marriage of a man and a woman and their ability to raise their children is foundational to the strength of a nation," the group states on its website regarding marriage and family. "We believe that strengthening our families, defending parental rights and defending a natural definition of marriage are critical to achieving a strong and healthy nation."

A study published in 2012 found that children from households with a mother and father fare much better than their counterparts.

The New Family Structures Study (NFSS) screened 15,000 young adults and identified 236 respondents who reported having at least one parent involved in a same-sex relationship. The researchers looked at 40 different outcomes, related to education, physical and psychological well-being, economic and employment status, substance use, family and relationships, criminal activity and victimization.

The study found that “compared to children in traditional intact families, those of mothers who have had a romantic same-sex relationship fared, on average, worse on 24 out of the 40 outcomes, and young adult children of fathers who have had a same-sex relationship fared worse on 19 outcomes. Even after accounting for a number of characteristics, these differences remained.”

Family Heritage Alliance responded to Healy, telling Fox News Digital

Rep. Healy has completely disregarded what we know to be true about children and families. Growing up in the home of a married biological mother and father is the single largest predictor of success later in life. It’s highly ironic that she describes a well-known fact about child safety as dangerous and un-American.

Many Twitter users responded acerbically to Healy before she turned replies off.

“Everyone knows children from fatherless, broken homes are the most fortunate,” said journalist Ian Miles Cheong.

“Rep. Healy thinks that the safest place for your child is under a surgeons knife, pumped full of seed oils, raised by Marxist teachers, and indoctrinated to worship the state. Rep. Healy wants to take your children away from you,” tweeted conservative commentator Micah Bock.

Others were more to the point.

“Shut up you freak,” wrote Col. (Rt.) Kurt Schlichter.

But Healy is not the only politician to espouse such views.

Israel Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli has called for the destruction of families, saying on Australian television in 2017 that “the core family as we know it, unfortunately, is the least safe place for children" and that "marriage and parental rights hurts children".

Michaeli, who heads Israel's Labor Party and is herself granddaughter of accused Nazi collaborator Rudolph Kastner, openly promotes Marxist ideologies such as children belonging to the state.

“A child can have more than two parents, they don't have to be their biological parents. The person who takes responsibility for the child should be obligated to fulfill certain kinds of criteria that the State should decide on,” she said.

Michaeli said another time that maternity leave is what causes a mother to produce the hormones that enable her to properly care for her newborn. A father, if on paternity leave, would produce the exact same hormones; so the concept of a “mother” and “father” is just a social construct and maternity leave laws are sexist.

Also in 2017, Michaeli was forced to apologize after comparing a law that would recognize Jewish villages to raping small children.

While only a Knesset Member at the time of these remarks, she has since been promoted to her current ministerial post.