Democrat lawmakers call Hunter Biden laptop story ‘conspiracy theory’, ‘disinformation'

Democrat lawmakers continue to believe that the New York Post story about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop is “disinformation” and “fake” even as former Twitter operatives, mainstream media, the intelligence community and Hunter Biden himself admit the story is true.

Former Twitter executives responsible for censoring the story — as well as censoring many conservative voices and science related to COVID-19 — were hauled before the House Oversight Committee Wednesday to answer for their actions. Particularly, the censors were grilled about their collusion with the federal government to block vital information from reaching the public.

The former Twitter executives admitted they had done the wrong thing by censoring the story which, due to its veracity, did not violate the platform’s “disinformation” policy.

But Democratic congressmen at the hearing were livid that Republicans were even having such a hearing about a “conspiracy theory” rather than debunked Leftist narratives.

“GOP ‘oversight’ means whining about Twitter’s years-old internal decision making about a NY Post story,” tweeted Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD). “Their conspiracy theory keeps them from investigating the real threats of massive Russian disinformation and white nationalist violent incitement on social media.”

When the Hunter Biden story about the Biden family’s corruption first broke, Democrats and their Pravda operatives in the mainstream media pushed a conspiracy theory about Russia conspiring with Republicans, which they used to call the story a “conspiracy theory”.

At Wednesday’s hearing, Raskin referred to those who believe the story as “conspiracy theorists” and told them to get over it.

“The professional conspiracy theorists who are heckling and haranguing this private company have already gotten exactly what they want: an apology,” Raskin said, smirking. “What more do they want? And why does the US Congress have to be involved in this nonsense when we have serious work to do for the American people?”

That serious work, said Raskin, is continuing to talk about the protest at the U.S. Capitol that happened two years ago on January 6,2021, where two Trump supporters were killed.

“But what makes this hearing tragic is that if our colleagues really wanted to examine a serious problem involving American democracy and social media—my friends, it is staring us in the face right now. Twitter and other social media companies acted as central organizing and staging grounds for the January 6th violent insurrection against Congress” — Raskin failed to note that the violence that day was committed against the protesters — ”and against Vice President Pence. Twitter became the national and global platform for incitement to seditious violence against our government and a forum on the day of attack for coordinating logistical movements and tactical maneuvers in the mob violence against our police officers.”

Raskin was joined by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who gestured wildly as she called the story “disinformation” while confusing the New York Post with the Washington Post.

“We’re talking about Hunter Biden’s half-fake laptop story. I mean, this is an embarrassment,” she raged.

“The New York Post had this alleged information and was trying to publish it without any corroboration, without any backup information, they were trying to publish it to Twitter, Twitter would not let them — and now they are upset,” Ocasio-Cortez claimed.

“I believe that political operatives who sought to inject explosive disinformation with the Washington Post [sic] couldn’t get away with it,” she continued.

“And now they’re livid and they want the ability to do it again. They want the ability to inject this again. They are weaponizing the use of this committee.”