Debate rages on the Right after Trump shooting: To cancel or not to cancel?

A debate is raging among President Donald Trump’s supporters about how to respond to Leftists who gleefully cheer Trump’s recent near-assassination.

A cancel campaign

A charge to remove those people from their jobs or positions of authority is being led by Libs of TikTok, a popular conservative account created by Chaya Raichik. 

On Tuesday, for example, Libs of TikTok alerted Ardmore High School in Oklahoma that one of their teachers, Alison Scott, posted on Facebook that she wished Trump’s would-be assassin “had a better scope.” The next day, Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Waters replied that he will be taking action against Scott.

“I have investigated it enough. I will be taking her teaching certificate. She will no longer be teaching in Oklahoma,” he posted on X.

Libs of TikTok also drew public attention to Amanda Brewer, a school counselor at Boonville Elementary in North Carolina who posted that she was “disappointed when the shooter missed.” Brewer soon announced that she had resigned.

After Rick Notari, a community relations manager for Lackawanna County, posted his disappointment that Trump was not assassinated, Libs of TikTok alerted authorities. Lackawanna County officials fired him that day.

On Monday, Libs of TikTok reported that Jim Simmonds, a fire chief in Prospect Park, Pennsylvania, posted how the next person who shoots Trump should aim “a little more to the right next time.” He was soon terminated.

At least 10 such people have been fired from their jobs so far because of Libs of TikTok’s efforts, Raichik said.

“We’re taking on those who wish [death] on Trump. We’re ridding our schools, medical establishments, and public offices of anti-american, deranged [terrorists]. We’re taking out the trash one at a time!” she posted to the Libs of TikTok account.


While many Trump supporters have been cheering Raichik on, she has also drawn criticism from some on the Right who believe she should “take the high road” and avoid canceling people for their remarks.

The most criticism came when Libs of TikTok exposed Darcy Waldron Pinckney, a cashier at Home Depot who had hoped for “a better shooter.” The store confirmed the next day that she had been terminated.

Some users expressed their disappointment at the news. Conservative influencer Ashley St. Clair, for example, wrote: “It is not a good thing to celebrate getting minimum wage customer service workers fired for saying mean things online. I hope you stop this.”

“I feel sick to my stomach,” wrote Abby Libby. “This was too far. She was just a brainwashed little old lady working for minimum wage at Home Depot. What harm was she causing? We're supposed to be the good guys.”

“Totally agree,” another chimed in. “While it may feel good to do this… it's not the way. If we are truly ‘better than the other side’ we must act like it.”

Author Peachy Keenan wrote: “I don’t want this poor older lady fired. It’s not her fault she’s been brainwashed. I forgive her.”

In response to another one of Libs of TikTok’s posts, a user commented: “Take the high road. Dont [sic] be like the left. We don’t need to f***ing cancel people over a difference of opinion. Be the better person.”


But many users replied with the opposite view, with some pointing out that moralizing from the Right has empowered the Left. 

“No. The left can start living by their own rules. Being the better person has gotten [us] to where we are now,” said one netizen.

“With all due respect. It's time that the Right actually starts applying the same tactics against the radical Jihadist Left. I call it equal accountability,” wrote another.

“I have to admit that I have a hard time sympathizing with people who would have gleefully gotten me fired for not having the VAX,” said one user. “Further, these same people are gleeful about the almost assassination of President Trump.”

Another said: “This is the environment they made. They set the rules of engagement. Capitalize.”

Author Larry Correia wrote: “For years the left used cancel culture as a weapon. The right got f***ed, the left laughed, the right watched and learned and grew ever increasingly bitter. Now when people on the left praise terrorists and root for assassins, and get their own tactics used against them for once, NOW they cry and bitch and moan about how the right is supposed to be against cancel culture. Only right wingers are supposed to get fired for having unapproved beliefs.”

Popular Conservative commentator Tim Pool expressed his support: “[I don’t care] that Libs [of TikTok] is getting people fired,” he wrote. “I don't defend communists. You don't get to try to take my rights then demand I defend yours. I'll defend the rights of those who believe in them.”