Daily Wire taunts woke company by becoming its competitor

Conservative news site Daily Wire launched a new men’s grooming company today called Jeremy’s Razors, created specifically to compete against Harry’s, a men’s grooming line in operation since 2012. 

Harry’s had been advertising with the Daily Wire, founded by Ben Shapiro, since 2016. But two years later, a Twitter user with two followers complained to Harry’s about the conservative news outlet’s traditional view on gender. 

In response, Harry’s pulled their advertising, calling the Daily Wire’s views “inexcusable” and said that there was “values misalignment”. 

The Daily Wire refused to back down and decided to hit back in true American style. They created an entire company to compete with Harry’s. 

The campaign started with the Daily Wire posting mysterious messages on social media such as “Harry’s drew first blood”. All the posts linked to a website called ihateharrys.com, which didn’t give out any information about what was coming, only that something was. 

Today, an ad was released featuring Daily Wire CEO and Co-Founder Jeremy Boering, the “god-king”. 

“A year ago, Harry’s Razors advertised on our shows,” tweeted the Daily Wire above the ad. “But then, they pulled their ads due to ‘values misalignment’. Introducing Jeremy’s Razors. Stop giving your money to woke corporations that hate you. Give it to the god-king: http://ihateharrys.com.” 

The ad begins with Boering driving a McLaren, which he drives into a passerby before exiting the car and beginning his monologue. 

“Do you remember when there two genders and only one and a half of them had to shave their mustaches?” Boreing says to the camera. “Oh hi, I’m Jeremy Boreing, CEO and ‘god-king’ of The Daily Wire. Harry’s Razors used to advertise on our shows. They’re a great a product, and we were happy to do it.” 

“But that’s before some peon who works for me went and said boys are boys and girls are girls, and that was just too much for Harry’s,” Boreing explained. 

Then he took aim at Harry’s for saying their values were misaligned. 

“You’re damn right our values are misaligned,” Boreing says. “And it’s not just Harry’s either. Gillette razors used to be ‘the best a man can get,’ then they decided men are too toxic, unless you’re the kind of man who teaches his daughter to shave her beard.” 

“But if you’ve had enough of the woke bullsh*t and you’re tired of paying companies like Harry’s and Gillette who hate you,” Boreing says before torching boxes of Harry’s and Gillette razors. “Buy my new razor instead.” 

The campaign is already receiving applause across social media. Users have also pointed out that the Daily Wire bought all the billboard space directly across from Harry’s, advertising Jeremy's Razors' website ihateharrys.com, including the words, “Harry’s drew first blood.”