Crippled by globalist mandates, Dutch hand landslide victory to Geert Wilders

Dutch voters Wednesday handed an historic victory to the Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders, who is known for his strong stance against globalism and Muslim expansionism.

The election came after Prime Minister Mark Rutte and his cabinet tendered their resignations to King Willem-Alexander in July. Rutte’s four-party coalition had broken apart during negotiations over immigration policy.

Rutte, a World Economic Forum devotee, has been the Netherlands’ prime minister since 2010 and has become known for his totalitarian climate policies. Climate regulations pushed by Rutte’s government in recent years have primarily targeted farmers because their livestock’s urine, flatulence and sneezes are said to cause “climate change” through their nitrogen emissions. Caps placed on how much nitrogen farmers are allowed to emit took effect in the summer and are expected to harm 30% of farms.

Farmers who protested against climate mandates were met with violent and sometimes lethal force.

But on Wednesday voters made their voices heard. With nearly all votes counted as of this report, PPV is on track to win 37 seats in Parliament, far ahead of other parties. If PPV can form a coalition, Wilders will become the Netherlands’ next prime minister.

The prospect has terrified mainstream media. Wilders, who has railed against the WEF’s “Globalists Unlimited, ” has also campaigned on a strong anti-Islam platform.

Just prior to the 2016 US presidential election, Wilders expressed support for Donald Trump who he said spoke for people feeling “misrepresented” and “abandoned by their political leaders.” When asked by Sky News whether he shared Trump’s adversarial stance toward Islam, Wilders answered that he did.

“It would be ridiculous to suggest that all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims today, and you can’t close your eyes [to] that,” said the PPV leader. “So indeed, I would — if I would become the prime minister of the Netherlands . . . — close the Dutch borders for immigrants from Islamic countries immediately.”

To achieve that, Wilders acknowledged that the Netherlands would need to exit the European Union, whose immigration policies have led to Europe’s Islamization. Only with a “Nexit” referendum, he said, could the Netherlands “become a sovereign nation again.”

Wilders clarified that he does not harbor animosity toward Muslim people but he does take issue with Islam. Muslims within the Netherlands are welcome to remain, he said, as long as they abide by Dutch law and not Sharia law.

“If they abide by our laws and our Constitution then they are not only free to stay but equal as anybody else,” said Wilders. “I see [Islam] more as a totalitarian ideology than a religion,” he added.

Wilders’ victory comes the same week that Argentinians elected libertarian economist Javier Milei as their new prime minister after 40 years of socialist rule.