CPS investigates family after 6-year-old runs marathon

A Kentucky family last week revealed they were investigated by Child Protective Services (CPS) after running in the Flying Pig Marathon in Cincinnati along with their six-year-old child. 

According to Kami and Ben Crawford, six-year-old Rainer “adamantly decided that he wanted to run a marathon”, which in this case was 26.2 miles long. 

Though the child suffered no injuries from the exercise, a public social outcry followed, with Olympic long-distance runner Kara Goucher leading the charge. 

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but a six year old cannot fathom what a marathon will do to them physically,” Goucher wrote. “A six year old does not understand what embracing misery is. A six year who is ‘struggling physically’ does not realize they have the right to stop and should.” 

Goucher is known for her moralistic approach to health. In 2020, she said she felt “disrespected” when President Trump told Americans not to let COVID-19 “dominate your life.”  

The same year, she assured her followers that she wears a mask to protect them.  

In March 2021, Goucher posted a photo of herself posing masked with her grandmother, thanking the vaccine for finally being able to hug her for the first time in a year. 

Earlier this year, Goucher was diagnosed with runner’s dystonia after she began losing the ability to run in December 2020. 

Now, Goucher is up in arms that Rainier Crawford managed to run a marathon at such a young age. 

“I’m not questioning motivation or saying it is bad parenting,” she said before reminding her followers of her accomplishment. “But as an Olympic athlete, I promise you this is not good for the child. Children are children. Let them run around, but as the parent you need to protect their growing bodies and their young minds." 

Goucher was joined by Star Trek alum George Takei. 

“There are so many things wrong with this we don’t even know where to begin,” said the star, who opined that the unvaccinated should be last in line to receive healthcare. 

The outcry led to the family being visited by Child Protective Services. According to the Crawfords, some internet users were so furious that Rainer ran the marathon that they accused the parents of dragging him to the finish line after the 13th mile, despite eyewitnesses and camera footage showing nothing of the kind.

“On Friday, social workers came to our house and interviewed our children because leaders in the running community are calling running with children wrong,” the family wrote in an Instagram post last week. “This needs to stop,” the Crawfords added. “Our children are having emotional breakdowns, NOT from running, but from a mob that has been weaponized by [running’s] most accomplished and celebrated individuals. They are stating that children running is abusive and not providing any data or facts. The reports and stance are false. Hundreds of witnesses including police officers and hours of video footage corroborate. When will you apologize and retract?” 

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The family of eight noted that this particular marathon was a milestone for them. 

“This is the first marathon our entire family has run together,” they noted. “Our 5 older kids waited for over an hour at mile 25 and after 8 hours and 35 minutes we all crossed the finish line together. After 2 days celebrating with friends, how we spent our day has got a lot of attention from some who are accusing us of being irresponsible and even abusive.”   

The parents also clarified that Rainier was at no point forced into running. 

“This year after begging to join us we allowed our 6 year old to train and attempt it,” they said, but they “were ready to pull the plug at any moment if he requested it or if we viewed his safety at risk.” They also noted that they “asked him numerous times if he wanted to stop and he was VERY clear that his preference was to continue.” 

CPS has been known to show up on the doorsteps of families who do not follow the COVID-19 narrative. Last week, Frontline News reported that CPS visited a mother who refused to vaccinate her child. In another case, CPS visited a family after the mother asked her daughter's physician about treatments involving ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.