Costa Rica: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chaves last week announced that the country’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, including any discrimination against the unvaccinated, has not only been struck down but is now illegal. 

“Today vaccines are no longer mandatory and any action against someone who does not want to be vaccinated is a violation of the law,” Chaves said Wednesday in a press conference with Health Minister Jocelyn Chacón. 

Before Chaves took office in May 2022, former President Carlos Alvarado took a heavy-handed approach to mandates. Under Alvarado’s leadership, Costa Rica became the first country in the world to force COVID-19 injections on children five and older. 

Chaves, by contrast, repealed the country’s mask mandate immediately upon entering office. Now, not only is he repealing and outlawing the mandate, but he is also launching an investigation into the country’s contracts with Pfizer and AstraZeneca to discover why more vaccines were purchased than necessary, reported The Expose. 

“We are going to investigate why it is that they bought so many vaccines when the information was that the market had been saturated,” the president said in a weekly press conference last week. 

Unlike AstraZeneca, Pfizer has not yet fulfilled its contractual vaccine shipment, so Chaves has suspended the contract until the investigation is complete. 

According to a report by Q Costa Rica last week, nearly 93% of Costa Ricans have had at least one shot, 87% have had two, 51% have had three, and 10% have had four. 

“We finally won in Costa Rica against the ILLEGAL mandates for gene therapy experiments!” wrote Interest of Justice, a private Costa Rican law and civics institute, in a Telegram post. “The President finally decreed the ‘vaccinations’ are ILLEGAL!!!!! 

“Just got off the phone with the president’s attorney (we have been diplomatically working with them for months) and yes, Interest of Justice is suing and holding everyone responsible.  Everyone is liable for the wrongfully forced experiments.” 

Interest of Justice has been leading the charge against vaccine mandates and the injections themselves in the country. 

“[The dropping of vaccine mandates] occurred due to Freedom of Information requests and the tenacity of non-corrupted media who asked the right questions,” the organization continued. “A while ago the Guardian newspaper uncovered the fact that two people working for the vaccination commission (CNVE) had expired credentials at the time of the purchase of the [non]vaccines. 

“There has been a lot of pressure to expose this and other issues of absolute nullity from the Interest of Justice and other groups, and the Health Minister and President’s office are finally taking it all seriously.  

“The battle is only half won because we are still in negotiations with the President’s office to do their duty to drop the entire emergency decree and all subsequent emergency EUAs [emergency use authorizations] that allow the (non)vaccine gene therapy.  There are multiple actions being taken at once to hold everyone to the letter of the law, which requires all emergency decrees to be revoked for absolute nullity. 

“The bright side is that the new administration under Chaves and the new Health Minister are currently being honorable about observing the strict limits of the law, appear to be very nice and said they appreciate diplomacy and actual back and forth dialogue."