Corporations cancel doctors who criticized COVID vaccine

Physicians who have been outwardly critical of the COVID-19 vaccine are reporting being canceled by corporations without explanation, sometimes along with their family members.

Osteopath Dr. Joseph Mercola Wednesday told his 400,000+ followers that JPMorgan Chase has shut down his business account without providing a reason. The bank reportedly did the same to's CEO and CFO, along with their family members.

Dr. Mercola owns Mercola Market, a company which sells health products such as supplements and vitamins. He also distributes an online newsletter that criticizes the government and points out government misinformation, particularly on COVID-19. 

Employees believe it was such content that led to the closure of their accounts, of which JPMorgan Chase Bank notified Mercola in a July 13th letter. The letter did not include a reason for the account closures.

When Mercola Market CEO Steven Rye inquired, a Chase representative told him the bank could not provide a reason for its decision “for legal reasons”.

“I believe they cancelled all of the accounts because of Dr. Mercola’s (our employer) opinions,” Rye told Florida’s Voice. “He has carried a contradictory view throughout the COVID narrative and co-authored the best selling book The Truth About COVID-19 which exposed the likelihood that this virus was engineered in a laboratory funded by the NIH.”

Mercola Market CFO Amalia Legaspi said her and her son’s personal accounts were also closed by Chase, which sent them identical letters to Rye’s. Legaspi’s son was using the account to pay his college expenses.

Legaspi’s checking account with her husband, who is currently being treated for dementia in the Philippines, has also been closed.

“I have to provide all the legal documentations including notarized physicians affidavit from the Philippines to prove that my husband is incapable of handling his finances and request the Federal to directly deposit the pension to my own personal account,” Legaspi said, adding that the notification letters had the same exact wording for the business and personal accounts.

In February 2021, the FDA sent Dr. Mercola a warning letter after he recommended supplements like vitamin D and zinc as treatments for COVID-19.

“It’s just hard to believe that your family, your wife, your kids can’t have a bank account because of the opinions of your employer and they’ve never done anything wrong,” Rye said. “We all have completely clear records.”

Dr. Syed Haider, a physician who has also recommended alternative COVID-19 drugs like ivermectin, says he has been receiving similar treatment.

“I just tweeted about how my business bank account and PayPal were shut down with no notice for no reason and today my Airbnb rental was canceled 3 days into a 28 day stay and now Mercola tweets that his bank accounts along with those of his CEO and CFO and their spouses and children are shut down with no reason and no due process. This is the passive-aggressive, dystopian, woke, social-credit hellscape that is our dying country,” Dr. Haider tweeted Wednesday.

The physician warned his almost 100,000 followers on social media about using the same credit card to purchase social media services like Twitter Blue as for services from totalitarian corporations. This allows the corporations to view a customer’s social media activity and opens them up to harassment.

“Used the same card for Twitter Blue as I did to pay for my Airbnb that was cancelled 3 days into a 28 day stay. News flash verifying your ID on social media by paying for a blue check with a credit card means the card company now knows what the cardholder is posting and can use a third party service to be notified of online dissident card members. Twitter Blue was a bad idea. If you’re going to do it anyway use a prepaid card,” Dr. Haider tweeted.

These authoritarian actions from American corporations no longer come as a surprise.

In February, Airbnb deplatformed the parents of Lauren Southern for being “associated with” their daughter, who was banned in 2019. Southern is a former reporter, author and filmmaker who the mainstream media declared racist, white supremacist, anti-feminist and xenophobic. 

Southern herself has also been banned by PayPal, Patreon and GoFundMe. In 2019, she was banned by Airbnb for her “affiliation” with certain groups.

Last year, GoFundMe closed the account of Jennifer Jones after she blamed Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for her daughter’s severe and sudden injuries. GoFundMe reinstated the account following a report from Frontline News.

In May, nineteen Republican attorneys general sent a letter to JPMorgan Chase demanding the institution stop discriminating against “conservatives and religious groups” by “de-banking” their accounts. 

The AGs cited an incident from May 2022, when Chase abruptly closed the account of the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), a nonprofit aimed at safeguarding freedom for all religions. No transactions had raised any red flags. NCRF made some calls and discovered the decision had come from the “corporate office” and that a note in their file forbade staff from providing any clarity as to why their account was closed. Chase eventually told NCRF that it would restore the organization’s account, but only if it divulged its donors, the political candidates it planned to support, and other irrelevant information.

In 2021 a Chase-owned credit card processor notified the pro-life organization Family Council that “we can no longer support your business” because it was considered “High Risk”. But the nonprofit met none of the qualifications for the High Risk category.

WePay, a payment gateway owned by Chase, refused service to a conservative group because it felt its views supported “hate, violence, racial intolerance, [and] terrorism”.

Also in 2021 Chase abruptly closed former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s bank account for “reputational reasons,” according to The Heritage Foundation.   

The attorneys general noted that on the Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index, which measures a company’s tolerance for a diversity of viewpoints and beliefs, JPMorgan Chase scored 15% out of 100.

Banks are free to refuse service to anyone, acknowledges the letter, but then Chase should not claim to be “inclusive” and “diverse” as it does

"The bank’s brazen attempt to condition critical services on a customer passing some unarticulated religious or political litmus test flies in the face of Chase’s anti- discrimination policies," wrote the AGs.

JPMorgan Chase is one of six “too-large-to-fail” banks that have been slowly becoming “financial legislatures”.

“The major banks, financial management firms, and insurance companies are de facto deciding how we will be able to live. They are becoming our new legislatures,” said New Hampshire State Rep. J.D. Bernardy.

In January, mortgage-lending giant Wells Fargo announced it will only provide new home loans to minorities as the bank prepares to step back from the mortgage market. Whites who are existing Wells Fargo customers will also be eligible for mortgages.  

Also in January, Wells Fargo suddenly closed the account of Brandon Wexler, a well-known gun dealer who had been with the bank for 25 years. The bank suggested it will no longer do business with firearms dealers when it told Wexler it was too “risky,” according to The Reload.

In 2020, Wells Fargo suddenly closed Republican Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke’s bank account without explanation. 

Bank of America, of its own volition, decided to track its customers who may have been at the US Capitol on January 6, 2020, and report them to the FBI. Following the Capitol breach, payment processor Stripe stopped processing payments for Trump’s campaign and anyone who was at the Capitol that day.  

In October, Bank of America also shut down the bank account of a popular conservative influencer and refused to provide an explanation. 

American Legislative Exchange Council Chief Economist Jonathan Williams predicts that if enough progressive pressure is brought to bear on the financial system, it would mean “having people’s freedoms eroded without any legislation ever having to be passed, whether it’s companies with a radical take on ESG or FICO personal credit scores.”