Conservative MP punished for calling COVID experiments 'biggest crime against humanity since Holocaust'

Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen Wednesday discovered he is not among those who may make Holocaust comparisons after he was stripped of his Conservative status for comparing the COVID-19 vaccines to the Holocaust. 

Bridgen tweeted the remark above a link to an article by researcher Dr. Josh Guetzkow analyzing the CDC’s recent release of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data. According to VAERS data there were 5.5 times more serious adverse events from COVID-19 vaccines than from the combined total of adverse events for all other vaccines given to adults since 2009. 

“As one consultant cardiologist said to me this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust,” wrote Bridgen. 

While forcing experimental vaccines on humans is exactly what happened during the Holocaust, Bridgen faced extreme backlash. His comment, along with the criticism of the COVID vaccine, cost Bridgen his Conservative whip and he is now forced to sit in Parliament as an Independent. 

“Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process,” said Tory Chief Whip Simon Hart. “As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defence against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.” 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said, “Obviously it is utterly unacceptable to make linkages and use language like that and I’m determined that the scourge of antisemitism is eradicated. It has absolutely no place in our society. I know the previous few years have been challenging for the Jewish community and I never want them to experience anything like that ever again.” 

The Board of Deputies of British Jews tweeted, “For an MP to suggest that Covid vaccines are the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust is unconscionable. We will be writing to the Chair of the Conservative Party Nadhim Zahawi to express our deep concern and to ask for clarification as to what action will be taken.” 

“There is no possibility that Bridgen can be allowed to stand at the next election. He cannot claim that he didn’t realise the level of offence that his remarks cause,” commented Government Antisemitism Advisor John Mann. 

The reaction to Bridgen’s statement contrasts with the reaction to a statement in 2019 by Labour MP David Lammy, who compared those in favor of Brexit to Nazis. When confronted about it, Lammy defended his remarks and said they were “not strong enough.” Lammy faced no political repercussions. 

Labour MP Dennis Skinner was suspended 10 times from Parliament, but none of them were because he likened President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in 2017 and demanded the UK ban the “fascist” from entering the country. When he called his colleague, David Owen, a “pompous sod,” Skinner was suspended. 

Labour MP Mike Gapes in 2017 accused then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson of appeasing Hitler by allowing Trump to visit Parliament.  

Scottish MP Carol Monaghan warned about Trump’s travel restrictions from terrorism-harboring countries. “The Holocaust didn’t start with the gas chambers,” she said. 

Lammy, Skinner, Gapes and Monaghan are part of a global group permitted to make political Holocaust comparisons. 

Across the pond, US Senator Angus King (I-ME) Monday compared Russian President Vladimir Putin to Hitler. 

In 2019, top House Democrats compared President Donald Trump to Hitler in remarks which went largely unnoticed. 

Other members of the elite are also included in this exclusive group. 

Last year, liberal filmmaker Ken Burns compared Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ relocation of migrants to the ultra-rich island of Martha’s Vineyard to the Holocaust. 

The Washington Post ran a 2016 op-ed by novelist Shalom Auslander titled, “Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler,” in which Auslander said that “at least [Hitler] believed what he said.” 

On the other hand, when conservative “Mandalorian” star Gina Carano compared how the Nazis made Germans hate their Jewish neighbors to hating someone for their political views, Disney fired her. 

While this elite group is large and examples are numerous, some like Bridgen and Carano find out the hard way they are not part of it. 

Even Dr. Guetzkow spoke out against the reaction to Bridgen. 

“The hollow accusations against him only distract from genuine examples of anti-Semitism and ultimately hinder attempts to draw attention to them, much like the boy who cried wolf,” Dr. Guetzkow said, according to The Daily Sceptic.