Conservative comedian trolls Leftists at city council meeting in viral video

A video has gone viral this week showing Cassady Campbell, a conservative comedian, impersonating a Leftist at a city council meeting in Denton, Texas. 

Campbell is known for his guerilla comedy stunts, such as offering Tesla cars to gas station customers in exchange for gas. 

On Tuesday, Campbell showed up to the meeting in a beanie and a “Biden for President” t-shirt. The “E” in “Biden” was composed of the colors of the rainbow.

The comedian’s rant covered hot-button issues on the Left, from Bernie Sanders to “transgenderism”. Campbell peppered his rant with shrieks, mimicking numerous videos of Leftists expressing their rage with wordless howling.

“In 2015, Bernie Sanders woke me up,” Campbell began. “My openly gay, six-year-old transgender nephew wanted something different than most kids for his birthday. He wanted the COVID-19 vaccine for the greater good of humanity.

“Because unlike the racists Republicans, he wanted to do his part for democracy and take on his social responsibility to do his part for the greater good.” 

Then Campbell took subtle aim at the vaccine. 

“He is now gone from this world. He recently had a heart attack,” said Campbell, referencing the various heart complications that are known to result from the COVID shot. “The doctors say they don’t know what caused it. But I know what caused it.” 

Campbell then started to act visibly unhinged, breathing heavily. 

“Stress, from Donald Trump supporters and the science deniers.” 

“Racist, bigot, homophobe!” he shouted. 

He then mocked the Left’s hatred for former President Donald Trump, whom many in the mainstream and social media commonly referred to as “literally Hitler” or worse than Hitler

Campbell held up a photo of Adolf Hitler. 

“You might recognize this man as one of the most evil men, if not the most evil man in history is what you call him. But I have somebody who is much worse,” he said, holding up a photo of Trump in the other hand. “His name is Donald J. Trump. Now let me tell you why Donald Trump is worse than Adolf Hitler.” 

“Number one: Donald Trump hurts my feelings and Hitler does not. Number two: Hitler at least put people in quarantine camps and made them wear masks while Donald Trump continues to spew out Russian disinformation. Third: Hitler had the decency and kindness to kill himself. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is still alive. At least Hitler had the decency to leave us alone. Trump, on the other hand, refuses to kill himself, and makes him significantly worse.” 

Putting the photos down, he began to sob, and then shrieked wordlessly. 

“Now we’re in a war with Ukraine and Russia. If we had a nuclear war, it would be worth it if it could just save one life!” he said, pounding on the table. 

Campbell was referencing a trope the Left used to justify heavy-handed mandates during the pandemic. Mandate advocates rationalized that the public can be forced to do things “if it just saves one life.” 


“Imagine living in the world with people who are selfish, science-denying, racist, transphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic bigots who people are actually supporting [inaudible]” - SHRIEK - “and take on social responsibility.” 

“The only way to fight for our democracy is to get vaccinated while supporting Ukraine. And that is your social responsibility, everybody.” 

Campbell then mocked Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has drawn heavy criticism for its 2030 globalist predictions, including “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” 

“One of the people I have begun to look up to is Klaus Schwab, and he said by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy, and I stand with him because I am not selfish!” 


“And those who stand against it are selfish!” 

Then he began to sob. 

“For my closing statement, my only regret is that I didn’t stop Breonna Taylor’s killers, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was shopping at Target in the pride section looking for a shirt for my six-year-old openly gay transgender nephew after I got off work at Starbucks where I’m a barista but at least I know that I was helping the LGBTQ community while Breonna Taylor was killed. Everybody -” 

Here Mayor Gerard Hudsbeth rang a bell and cut Campbell off. 

“That’s - that’s your time,” said Hudsbeth as Campbell continued to scream about Dr. Fauci. 

“I hate myself!” 


“Thank you, that’s your time,” said the mayor. “Appreciate it.” 

Campbell, gathering his papers as he collapses into sobs, said he was going to “take a knee for George Floyd” and crouched down. 

“Yeah, can you do that over there so we can get the next person?” said Hudsbeth. “Thank you. So we'll take like a five-minute break and wipe all that down,” he said, pointing to the podium.

Campbell’s Facebook page has over 737,000 followers.