CNN panics at suggestion to improve election integrity

CNN’s Jim Acosta panicked on air last week when his guest suggested that elections need to be made more secure. 

The sparring began when Acosta’s guest, former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, proposed that election irregularities be solved ahead of the midterm elections. 

“Our elections are fine,” Acosta quickly interrupted, appearing scandalized at the suggestion. 

Acosta’s response to Wolf is a far cry from CNN’s response to Hillary Clinton in 2019, who called for election integrity after claiming her victory was stolen by President Trump with Russia’s help. At the time, CNN speculated on how the heist was implemented and slammed Republicans for doubting it. 

“There is fraud in our election system,” Wolf told Acosta. Even according to mainstream media, there is always some fraud, even if marginal, perpetrated in every election. “If people don’t acknowledge that, that becomes part of the problem.” 

“You are the former acting secretary of homeland security and you are spreading doubt and fear about our election process,” Acosta accused. 

“These happen to be facts. These are simple facts,” Wolf responded, to which Acosta said “No, these are alternative facts.” 

“Are you saying there’s no fraud in our election system?” Wolf challenged, while Acosta, focusing solely on the 2020 election, chanted “Joe Biden won fair and square.” 

“Of course there are some episodes of fraud here and there,” Acosta then acknowledged, visibly uncomfortable with the admission. 

“That’s what I’m talking about,” agreed Wolf, attempting to stick to a discussion about the general electoral system. 

But Acosta refused to budge from the 2020 presidential election, citing former Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr’s claim that the 2020 election “results” were legitimate. Acosta told Wolf to “accept it” and “move on.” 

Again, Wolf tried to bring the conversation back to election integrity by referring to “a number of irregularities and illegalities when we talk about our election system.” And again, Acosta interrupted, saying that they “weren’t sufficient to alter the outcome of the 2020 election.” 

“I don’t know about that, I’m not in charge of that,” Wolf said. “But what I would say – even if there’s a small amount, that is worth coming together and trying to solve that at a national level and at a state level so that we can get past this, so that we have some integrity in our elections.” 

In response, the CNN host began to insult the former official, accusing him of lying to the American people about the 2020 election. 

“We need to have integrity among officials who work in the government and who have left the government, uh, who will tell the American people the truth that the election was decided fair and square,” said Acosta. 

“We certainly need to have integrity by those reporting the news as well,” Wolf retorted. 

“We do have that integrity,” Acosta claimed before launching into a moralizing lecture on democracy. “But we expect that of our elected leaders and people who work under them because you can’t continue to sow these seeds of doubt about American democracy. It’s simply failing the American people to continue to lead them down this path of lies.” 

“It’s not lies, Jim. I’m happy to go through everything that I just said and to go into detail,” Wolf said. “When you deny the facts that there has been some amount of fraud – now, I can’t tell you how much. There has been some fraud, there’s been illegalities, state after state, we haven’t even talked about Zuckerbucks,” said Wolf, referencing Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s election meddling in 2020. 

“It sounds – it sounds – it sounds like you’ve watched one too many conspiracy films about the 2020 election,” Acosta stammered, referring to the documentary 2000 Mules. 

“No, I’m actually reading the news,” said Wolf. 

President Trump Tuesday demanded a new presidential election be called after Zuckerberg admitted on The Joe Rogan Experience that the FBI approached Facebook just before the 2020 election, warning the company of imminent “Russian disinformation”. The warning prompted Facebook to limit distribution of an explosive story by the New York Post on Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings involving his father. 

Almost 50 percent of Biden voters knew nothing of the Hunter Biden scandal at the time of the election and about 16 percent said they would not have voted for Biden had they known, according to a survey from The Media Research Center. 

"Declare the rightful winner or — and this would be the minimal solution — declare the 2020 Election irreparably compromised and have a new Election, immediately!" Trump posted on TruthSocial Tuesday.