Citizen's COVID Committee Member: 'Endless reports of adverse events flow to us every hour'

Health Communication Lecturer at IDC Herzliya International School Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz today responded to the Israeli Health Ministry's release of what it called an "interim report" on adverse events following the COVID-19 vaccine.

She wrote: "With miraculous timing, five days after the interim report on adverse events released by the Israeli People's Committee, the Health Ministry remembered to publish its own 'interim report' - and behold this miracle: The report is remarkably similar to our findings, which no channel pushing the pandemic found appropriate to publish, in terms of types of injury, only that of course morbidity in their report is much more 'modest' than our findings - a mere fraction.

"The Health Ministry was finally forced to admit that 'the vaccine may still have side effects,' especially among young people - and it's quite clear why: because they know very well what the real catastrophe is, and the abnormal extent of morbidity among young people. They won't be able to blame 'background diseases'.

"But don't let them confuse you, because the exact same phenomena occurred in adults as well - and in the adult population they also killed many more people.

"There are two critical conclusions in light of this report:

"One: Administering the preparation in Israel must stop immediately, until the question of how many elderly people died of heart inflammation and heart attacks after receiving it is clarified. If the drug caused such severe effects among young people, all the more so as it also killed elderly people - the question is how much.

"Second: Forget about vaccinating the children.

"The Committee calls to immediately publish mortality data for all age groups, including fetuses who died after receiving the drug, as well as to publish data on all other side effects discovered from the drug - endless reports of adverse events flow to us every hour, including hypercoagulation events, bleeding, stroke, seizures, heart attack, neurological disorders, pulmonary embolism, and more, and data on pregnant women who have been vaccinated."

Dr. Shir Raz concluded: "PS: Our next report is already on the way. The Health Ministry won't be able to continue sleeping from now on, and rely on being able to confuse the public with censored and partial information. The reports reach us. Directly."