Chinese company ‘working on’ surveillance tech to monitor carbon footprints

Alibaba Group President J. Michael Evans Tuesday revealed that technology is being developed which can monitor what people eat and buy and where they travel to measure their carbon footprints.  

The remarks were made during a panel on the third day of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting 2022, which is dedicated to implementing the organization’s Great Reset agenda. 

The global agenda, which is fueled by environmental obsession and views climate change as the most critical threat to mankind, is agreed upon at the Annual Meeting 2022. 

“The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room,” World Economic Forum Founder and Chairman Klaus Schwab told the 2500+ world leaders and dignitaries Sunday. 

Central to the WEF’s agenda is the surveillance of citizens, particularly as it relates to individuals’ environmental impact. 

“Polluters will have to pay to emit carbon dioxide,” predicts the organization that predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. “There will be a global price on carbon.” 

Now it seems the WEF’s vision is truly becoming reality. 

“We’re developing through technology an ability for consumers to measure their own carbon footprint,” Evans said at the summit.  

“What does that mean?” he asked rhetorically. “That’s where are they traveling, how are they traveling, what are they eating, what are they consuming on the platform?” 

“We don’t have it operational yet but this is something that we’re working on.” 

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, MD outlined what the WEF’s 2030 agenda might look like.  

“Prior to and during the pandemic, climate change was reframed from an environmental issue to a public health issue,” the doctor wrote. “Soon it may be declared a public health crisis.”  

Dr. Kheriaty then went on to detail a possible real-life scenario under the 2030 Agenda which French President Macron and other world leaders are starting to implement.  

“Imagine a few years hence you receive the following text on your phone,” he wrote on Twitter. 

“A notification explains that your carbon footprint is 23% above others in your age/race category in your geographic region. It informs you that you have eighteen months to transition to an electric vehicle; otherwise, you will be taxed an additional $0.90 per gallon of gas. While that gas tax is steep, you default to that ‘option’ because you cannot afford an electric vehicle. After another six months, you receive another notification that your individualized carbon footprint tax will double to $1.80 per gallon of gas...which hurts even more but does not change your financial prospects for a new electric car. A year later, an algorithm in the cloud decides that, since you have still not converted to an electric vehicle, you now simply cannot buy gas.”  

The medical ethics expert then noted how this has already begun to be deployed during the pandemic, chiefly with the use of vaccine passports.  

“The biomedical security state will soon have the infrastructure in place for policies of this kind, including digital IDs and central bank digital currencies,” he concluded. “These will be tied to digital health passport systems already tested and deployed during the pandemic.” 

And the technological development has already begun.