Chicago students mask liberation: 'We’ve complied for two years. The science no longer supports it. Neither do we'

A viral video shows a throng of students at District 128 Vernon Hills High School walking out of school after they had been commanded to wear masks.  

Vernon Hills High is demanding that students wear face coverings despite Friday’s ruling by Circuit Court Judge Raylene Grischow that placed a temporary restraining order against the statewide mask mandate. 

The students were told by Principal Jon Guillame that they had a choice: they can either cover their faces and attend class, or if they refuse, they will be forced to sit in the gymnasium or be removed from school altogether. 

An organization called Students Unmasked, an initiative of D128 high school students, tweeted about the walkout: 

“Today, a group of us from Vernon Hills HS in District 128 arrived at school without masks protesting the mandate. Here is our statement on the event. We encourage students from other districts to stand with us. Thank you to our parents for your support. #UnmaskOurStudents #D128.” 

The attached statement recounts the day’s events and questions the validity of mask mandates. 

“We want to be free of these masks,” read the statement. “We want to see each other’s faces. We want to bring back a sense of normalcy and enjoy what is left of our high school years. We believe that if this was truly about our health, they would also be considering our mental health. But we question whether this is truly about health anymore. If not, what is it about?” 

The students went on to emphasize that they are not against masks, but they seek the freedom to choose to wear them or not. 

“For our fellow students who are still concerned, we encourage them to continue to wear masks to protect themselves. But for those of us who choose not to, we desire the freedom of that choice.” 

This walkout is only the latest in a string of protests by students and their parents against mask mandates. In Virginia, students and parents protested in numerous districts after schools continued to force mask mandates on children, despite Governor Glenn Youngkin’s executive order outlawing mask mandates. 

Youngkin’s executive order was challenged in court, but yesterday the Virginia Supreme Court sided with Youngkin and upheld the right for students to choose if they want to wear masks.