Charges reduced for man who killed ‘Republican extremist’

Charges have been reduced for a North Dakota man who killed a teen he believed was a “Republican extremist”.

42-year-old Shannon Brandt ran down 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson with his car last year after telling police Ellingson was part of a “Republican extremist group,” parroting a phrase used often by Joe Biden and other Democrat officials.

Brandt had engaged Ellingson in a political argument earlier at a street dance, where he called 911 and told police Ellingson was a “Republican extremist” who was going to attack him and was urging others to attack Brandt as well. 

Brandt, who police say was drunk at the time, was held at Statesman County Jail for a few days and walked out after posting a $50,000 bond. He was originally charged with vehicular manslaughter, but the charges were upgraded to murder following an investigation.

Then, for reasons which are unclear, Foster County State Attorney Kara Brinster reduced Brandt’s charges to manslaughter. Brandt has pleaded guilty and, instead of facing life in prison, he faces a maximum of 10 years.

“As we have pointed out since the beginning, there is no evidence to support the misplaced allegation of intentional homicide,” said Brandt’s attorney, Mark Friese. “The state and defense forensic experts have provided comprehensive reports confirming this tragedy was an accident. Misplaced media hype and community conjecture is no substitute for evidence. Mr. Brandt is anxious for the truth to be told to a jury at trial.”

The incident followed increasingly militant rhetoric by Democrat officials against Republicans with some lawmakers calling for outright violence.

Just days earlier, Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) had urged people to “kill and confront” the “MAGA movement” and Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) called for a literal “call to arms” against Americans who are pro-life. 

Many social media netizens are blaming Brandt’s reduced charges on a two-tiered justice system which they say favors Democrats over Republicans. 

While Democrats do not admit they are favored by the justice system, they agree the system is corrupt.

A national survey found that nearly 8 in 10 Americans believe the United States has a two-tiered justice system, with politicians and members of the D.C. elite treated differently than ordinary Americans. 

Nationwide Issues Survey by The Trafalgar Group conducted last year asked 1,080 likely general election voters, “What is your opinion of the current state of the American justice system?” 

The poll found that 79.3% of Americans agreed, “There are two tiers of justice: One set of laws for politicians and Washington, D.C. insiders vs one set of laws for everyday Americans" while 11.6% said, “There is one system of justice with laws applied to all Americans equally,” and 9.1% were not sure. 

When broken down by party, 87.8% of Republicans agreed that there are two tiers of justice, 6.9% believe it is a just system, and 5.3% are not sure. 

Surprisingly, most Democrats appeared to agree with the majority of Republicans, with 66.7% saying they believe there is a two-tiered justice system, 17.5% saying the justice system is equal for all, and 15.8% remaining unsure.