‘Changing people’s lives’: Biden blasted for union convention remarks

The internet did not take kindly to Joe Biden Tuesday after he awkwardly shouted during remarks at the AFL-CIO convention that he doesn’t want to hear any more about “reckless spending” because he’s “changing people’s lives.” 

Biden is being blamed for America’s record inflation impacting the lives of all Americans after continually spending trillions of taxpayer dollars on COVID-19 and the disastrous ‘Build Back Better’ infrastructure plan, which included knocking down “racist highways”. Biden continued to push through spending despite multiple warnings that it would cause inflation. 

At the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) convention Tuesday, Biden feigned righteous indignation about being blamed for inflation. 

“I don’t want to hear anymore of these lies! About reckless spending! We’re changing people’s lives!” screamed Biden. 

But while the convention’s attendees applauded, many on social media had the opposite reaction. 

“Yea you changed my life. Taking a chunk out of my pocket every week.” 

“Fact check: True. Poverty does in fact change peoples lives.” 

“I mean he’s not wrong, it’s just in an awful way.” 

“We'd essentially all be better off [right now] if the office of the Presidency was vacant.” 

“He certainly is changing peoples' lives. We cannot afford to pay our bills because of his spending.” 

“Spending money that you don't have defines reckless spending. So where do they get the money to spend that they don't have? They print it. And as such, inflation skyrockets. Econ 101.” 

“He’s changing people’s lives alright. My 401K speaks to that.” 

“Sure as f*** changed mine. I haven’t had a stop in a gas station below $75 in a year.” 

“Yes, @JoeBiden, you sure are! People are struggling to fill their gas tanks, feed their babies, & put food on the table, & prices on everything are up, up, up. You did that....but, I think it's deliberate.” 

“I think people have had all the change they can stand.”