CDC admits having no data after claiming nearly 100 child COVID deaths

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims on its website that nearly 100 children have died from COVID-19. 

"As of mid-October 2021, children ages 5 through 11 years have experienced more than 8,300 COVID-19 related hospitalizations and nearly 100 deaths from COVID-19,” says the site. 

But in response this month to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from attorney Aaron Siri, the governmental body officially admitted to having no data on child deaths from COVID-19. 

Siri originally requested four sets of documents.  The CDC denied having any of them. 

First Siri asked for “documents reflecting all confirmed cases of a child 11 years of age or younger, without pre-existing health conditions, dying of COVID-19.” Siri asked the same for children aged 12-15. 

In response, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) responded that they didn’t have them.

NCHS has not conducted the analyses requested and therefore cannot provide a data product. Pre-existing medical conditions should only reported [sic] on a death certificate if they led to, or contributed to, a death. In the case of deaths from COVID-19, pre-existing conditions would only be reported if they led to, or contributed to a death from COVID-19. NCHS does not have information on other, pre-existing medical conditions a decedent may have had, and therefore cannot provide a count of COVID-19-related deaths among individuals with no pre-existing conditions.

Then Siri asked for documents reflecting all confirmed cases of children 11 years of age or younger dying of COVID-19, and asked the same for children aged 12-15. This time, he did not mention pre-existing conditions. 

The CDC responded that they do not have these data either. 

“NCHS has not conducted the analyses requested and therefore cannot provide a data product,” the letter read. It went on to say that it is exempt from having to “perform research, create new records, or perform analysis of existing records for FOIA request.” 

Whether the CDC is being untruthful about having data on child deaths or not, it would not be the first time it has been untruthful. 

Last month, a New York Times report exposed the CDC for purposefully omitting crucial data related to the third COVID shot, reported Frontline News.  

The CDC justified withholding the data because it might be interpreted to mean that the vaccine is ineffective.   

The report sparked widespread outrage, with many on social media calling for the resignations of key CDC officials.   

"Everyone leading the CDC should be fired. Everyone,” tweeted Ben Shapiro.