Canadian tow trucks refuse to help police against truckers

Tow trucks in Alberta, Canada are reportedly refusing to assist the Royal Canadian Mounties Police (RCMP) in dismantling the trucker blockade on the U.S.-Canada border. 

The RCMP issued a request to the tow truck companies in the area to begin towing trucks that are part of the 2022 Freedom Convoy and currently blocking traffic along a section of the international border. The police have been asking since Sunday for assistance from tow truck companies across the region. The tow trucks, however, are not budging. 

Some companies provided excuses for why they could not assist, while some refused outright. As reported by the Western Standard, one tow truck company said they would be staying within Calgary. 

“Our trucks won’t be heading outside of Calgary today,” said City Wide Towing. 

Xodus Car Transport refused because they were actually helping the blockade.  “We are here with our trucks at the blockade, but we are participating and are in full support of the truckers,” said Abe Martens of Xodus Car Transport. 

Another tow truck company, that chose to remain anonymous, refused to assist police because of the locals, saying they were “between a rock and a hard place”.  “We have received calls here to supply our trucks, but we’ve also had calls from locals who won’t identify themselves asking if we plan to send trucks,” said the company’s owner. “When I told them ‘no’ they said ‘good then we will keep supporting you.’” 

TnT Towing flat out said they won’t get involved. 

“We don’t know who it was that called, but we don’t want to get involved so we won’t be commenting.” 

The truckers’ blockade, currently blocking traffic at the U.S.-Canada border near Coutts village, recently won a standoff with police. 

As part of negotiations, police prevented locals from bringing food and water to the truckers. The police then threatened the truckers with arrest, but eventually backed off and the truckers’ line advanced.