Canada refuses assistance from retired firefighters while claiming to be seeking help

A retired forest technologist from Canada's Department of Natural Resources this week put together a team of retired firefighters, to assist in the fight against hundreds of out of control fires, only to have his offer rejected.

YouTube Whistleblower

The retired firefighter was shocked that the government refused his offer. Seeing his efforts go to waste, while hundreds of thousands of acres burn, he turned to the internet, posting a video to YouTube to inform the public of the government's behavior. While not providing his name, he did not hide his appearance in the video and added that he had 29 years experience fighting forest fires in Nova Scotia. 

[A]s things progressed last week and buildings were burning and and people were being evacuated, I realized that that Nova Scotia had a resource of retired technical staff that were experts at fighting fire and so I put together a team I called some of these guys up and I put together a crack team and then I immediately notified natural resources. [Government officials] notified me that the province wouldn't be interested in hiring on any retired staff to do work . . . at the same time we were being told that the premier was begging for help on every newscast that he could get on.

So I started that last Tuesday and then I fought with the province on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and again on Friday trying to get our guys put in key positions where they were needed throughout the province and uh I got the same answer continually; thank you but no thank you.

Finally I got frustrated and went on talk radio on Thursday and then I got a phone call from . . . Fire Control that they put my name on a list and the name of a few others. It was a polite way to say, “look uh we know you're making noise. Thank you but no thank you we're still not going to hire you guys to come fight fires.” 

So what taxpayers need to understand is while buildings were burning and the province were short staffed and our government was standing in front of TV Camera saying they're doing everything they can, they lied to your face they didn't. I could have pulled together a lot more teams of guys, retired guys willing to come out and do this . . . we were highly trained in both evacuation, all levels all levels of incident command. Personally I've been Incident Commander on dozens of dozens of different fires and fought fires up to 50,000 acres and together on the first team I put together we had close to 200 years of experience of fighting fires here in the at the Acadia region of Nova Scotia.

[O]ur team stayed on standby hoping that we'd get a call all week and that call never came. So if you lost your house and fires remained out of control, when a politician looks you in the eye and says we did everything we could, they're lying to your face. [Emphases added].

Been there before

This is not the first time Trudeau has been criticized for refusing firefighting help. A 2016 headline on Global News read, “Trudeau criticized for refusing international help for Fort McMurray wildfire.” 

As the wildfires continue to rage in Alberta, the news that Canada has turned down resources to help fight the flames has sparked some outrage.

The U.S., Russia, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Israel and the Palestinian Authority are reported to have offered assistance . . .

"There is no need to accept any international assistance at this point, but we certainly thank everyone for their generosity," Trudeau said.

One Twitter user noted that Trudeau's refusal came after “months” of losing Canada's forests to the fires.


The person who posted the video went further in their criticism of the Canadian government, adding this description to the video:

There have already been a few “climate change” radicals arrested and accused of arson. Unfortunately these fires will ultimately help usher in the “green” agenda for Canada…. “Climate change” hysteria is being promulgated nonstop in my country of Canada . . . This is the plan for Canada that is being shoe-horned in under the guise of “social justice” and “climate change” action. 

#1 Abolish sovereignty by signing Canada’s autonomy over to unelected globalist groups like the WEF and United Nations. 

#2 Promote climate change hysteria to help destroy capitalism and promote the Great Global Reset . . .

#4 Destroy the oil industry and energy sector . . .

#7 Get total control of food production, destroying the current farming industry . . .

In fact, The Guardian reports in a headline that the vice-president is already blaming the severity of the fires on climate change while Trudeau is bemoaning the lack of action against them.

Canada wildfires: blazes intensifying due to climate crisis, says Kamala Harris; Trudeau accuses opposition of inaction – as it happened

A request from Frontline News to Nova Scotia Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables Tory Rushton for comments on the claim that his ministry rejected offers of help from groups of retired Canadian firefighters did not receive an immediate reply.