Canada's vaccine propaganda fails

The Canada government’s vaccine messaging appears to have failed spectacularly after a recent online poll by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) backfired. 

PHAC created a poll Tuesday quizzing users on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine: 

“True or False: Vaccination reduces your risk of experiencing serious illness from COVID-19 and related #pregnancy complications.” 

Out of 37, 879 votes, 87.2% voted “False” while just 12.8% voted “True”. 

The agency was forced to add a follow up tweet: 

“The answer is true. The mRNA #CovidVaccines are highly effective at preventing severe illness and pregnancy complications from COVID-19. A booster dose provides additional protection.” 

While the COVID-19 vaccine may reduce serious illness from COVID-19, it kills more people than it protects, according to both Pfizer and a recent study. 

As reported by Frontline News, Pfizer’s trial report showed that after 8 months of study, there were 21 deaths in the vaccinated group and 17 in the unvaccinated group. Indeed, there were more deaths from the vaccine group than there were in the placebo group. Not by much – just about a 22% relative increase – but since this was just below being statistically significant, and the report did not consider the deaths to be caused by the vaccine, the case was closed. 

Last month, a study made available as a preprint in The Lancet compared the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) to the adenovirus-vector (AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) vaccines to examine how they differ regarding adverse reactions. In the introduction, the paper states, “. . . it has now been established in numerous studies, [that] vaccines may have completely unexpected effects on overall mortality,” and that “The placebo-controlled RCTs of COVID-19 vaccines were halted rapidly due to clear [positive] effects on COVID-19 infections.” 

Canada’s government has been notoriously confusing in its COVID-19 messaging. 

Earlier this month, Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Ukraine – a country with a 60.6% vaccination rate – along with other world leaders to meet with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a photo op. Images show Trudeau exchanging handshakes and even embracing Zelenskyy, unmasked all the while. 

But two days prior, in a photo op with Afghan refugees in Ontario – a province which boasts an 87% vaccination rate – Trudeau remained fully masked. 

The prime minister has also been known to remove his mask when meeting with the 96-year-old Queen of England... 

but not with his wife.