Calls for ‘J24 Committee’ after Arizona insurrection

Americans are calling for Congress to establish a J24 Committee which would investigate the recent attempted insurrection at the Arizona Senate building by abortion sympathizers. 

Following the United States Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision Friday to overturn the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade, abortion sympathizers began rioting across the country. In Los Angeles, they stormed the 110 freeway, shutting down traffic, attacking drivers and clashing with law enforcement. In Seattle, mobs smashed glass windows of buildings and attacked a young pro-life woman.  

In Arizona, hundreds of abortion sympathizers attempted to breach the State Senate building while the legislature was in session. The protesters broke the front doors of the building in an attempt to breach security. The situation was described as a hostage crisis as lawmakers were forbidden from leaving the building. 

“We are currently there being held hostage inside the Senate building due to members of the public trying to breach our security,” tweeted Republican State Senator Kelly Townsend. “We smell teargas and the children of one of the members are in the office sobbing with fear. I expect a J24 committee to be created immediately.” 

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey declared the assembly unlawful over a loudspeaker and urged the protesters to go home as Capitol police dispersed the crowd with tear gas. 

There have been no reports of any arrests made. 

Now Americans have taken to social media to demand the formation of a J24 Committee to investigate the attack and charge the protesters. The committee would be modeled after the January 6th Committee, which is still investigating events in which Americans entered the United States Capitol, though the attendees committed no violence or vandalism. 

“I hope the J6/J24 committee can reconvene to hold these violent insurrectionists accountable,” tweeted Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY). 

“I expect the Republicans to form a J24 committee as soon as they take control of the house and charge every Democrat with insurrection who incited riots today,” wrote another netizen. 

“Sounds insurrectiony to me though I'm sure no J24 Committee will be established as the Left will say it's ‘justifiable rage.’” 

“I'm waiting to watch the J24 committee on tv.” 

“We going to have J24 committee and hold AOC, Maxine Waters, amongst others, responsible for inciting an insurrection??” 

Users pointed out in particular the incendiary rhetoric of Democratic lawmakers which may have incited the riots.  

“To hell with the Supreme Court,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to a crowd Friday, promising to break the law. “We will defy them. “

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) led a crowd in chanting that the ruling is “illegitimate” and urged people to “take to the streets.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Chuck Schumer (D-CA), two of the most vocal lawmakers about January 6th, did not respond to a query from America’s Frontline News if a J24 Committee is forthcoming.