Calls for boycott as Hershey fires unvaccinated workers

The Hershey Co. is terminating its employees who aren’t vaccinated after an aggressive months-long campaign to intimidate employees into getting the shot. Social media is calling for a boycott of the chocolate company. 

While workers at Hershey have reported fun perks in the past, such as treats and above-average wages, the company’s work environment began to turn dark months ago when the Human Resources Department launched an offensive against unvaccinated employees. 

Employee Kim Durham told The Epoch Times about being called into a meeting with HR after asking for a religious exemption to the vaccine.  “It was an interrogation on your religious beliefs,” she said. “They twisted your words and tried to put words in your mouth. It was terrible.” 

Other employees reported being asked invasive questions as well such as, “How do you protect yourself when you leave your home? How often do you go to church? Do you take Tylenol, ibuprofen, Tums, or Midol? How can you say you’re a religious person if you take those medications?” 

In a spectacular show of condescension, HR would try telling its employees that the pope is vaccinated and that the pope says that getting vaccinated is the greatest gift you can give your community. 

Now, Hershey is firing employees who still haven’t gotten vaccinated and is bribing them to sign a confidentiality and release agreement, which would preclude the employee from talking about their experience or suing Hershey. The bribe comes in the form of a “special separation payment”, which often doesn’t amount to more than two months’ pay and is going unsigned by numerous employees. 

Calls for a boycott of Hershey are snowballing on social media. 

“I just fired Hershey's for firing their unvaccinated workers,” tweeted @ViolaLeighBlues. 

“Here is your #boycott visual for your next grocery trip. #Hersheys,” wrote @InshotPhuq and attached a photo of Hershey products. 

“You are replaceable! @Hersheys #BOYCOTTHERSHEY,” posted @blacktyperace next to a photo of Ghirardelli chocolate. 

“It’s time to boycott Hershey. No more Hershey products for me,” said @ScienceWDrDoug. 

"Hershey has begun firing office workers who did not get vaccinated against COVID-19. On the way out the door, Hershey is asking employees to sign a 9 page confidentiality & release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company or talk about their experience. #Boycott,” tweeted @tarahtori. 

“@Hersheys, your vax coercion toward your employees is disgusting. Firing them for choosing to not receive a vax is vile. You’ve lost this household from ever purchasing any of your products,” wrote @Strawberry_Flds. 

Many more users have joined the call to boycott Hershey. It is anyone’s guess as to what will happen next.