25th Amendment calls sow nervousness among Left

Calls to invoke the 25th Amendment are ramping up across social media after Joe Biden inadvertently made some incendiary remarks over the weekend. 

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution allows for the removal of a president when he is “unable” to discharge his duties, which may be due to death or incapacitating illness. The removal occurs when a written declaration that the president is unable to discharge his presidential duties is signed by “the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide.”

During his trip to Poland, Biden gave a speech in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland in which he said of Russian President Vladimir Putin, “For G-d's sake, this man cannot remain in power.” 

Signaling that the U.S. supports a regime change in Russia is an explosive remark about what is an already volatile situation. 

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had assured the world of the exact opposite on CBS’ Face the Nation earlier this month. 

“For us, it’s not about regime change,” Blinken said. “The Russian people have to decide who they want to lead them.” 

Blinken was forced to repeat this policy Sunday in an effort to walk back Biden’s remarks. 

“As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia — or anywhere else, for that matter,” Blinken said in Jerusalem. 

Instead, he said the president meant to say that Putin “cannot be empowered” to wage war. 

The day before, Biden seemed to suggest that the U.S. would be deploying troops to Ukraine while speaking to U.S. troops stationed in Poland. 

“And you’re going to see when you’re there — and some of you have been there — you’re going to see — you’re going to see women, young people standing — standing… in front of a damn tank, just saying, ‘I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground,'” Biden said to the 82nd Airborne Division. 

“They’re incredible,” Biden said. “But they take a lot of inspiration from us.” 

This time, too, the White House was forced to do quick damage control. 

“The President has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position,” a White House spokesperson stated soon after the remarks were made. 

And on Thursday, Biden said that if Russia used weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. would respond “in kind”. 

“We will respond if he uses it,” Biden said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The nature of the response depends on the nature of the use.” 

Calls to invoke the 25th Amendment have been increasing. 

“Yesterday, Biden said American troops have been fighting in Ukraine & more are headed to fight there,” author Max Abrahms tweeted Saturday. “Today, Biden said the goal of U.S. policy to Russia is regime change. Recall, the media called for the 25th amendment when Trump sipped water or walked down ramps carefully.” 

“In under 24 hours the White House has corrected Biden for remarks on a foreign trip suggesting: 1) U.S. Troops were going to Ukraine. 2) Russian President Putin should be removed from power,” said Becker News CEO Kyle Becker. “The White House. Correcting the President. Who is risking WWIII. 25th Amendment NOW.” 

“Honestly, the 25th Amendment was crafted for just such a situation as we are now in with Biden,” wrote David Limbaugh. “Yet at least two things militate against this from happening. 1) His handlers are running things anyway, and 2) Kamala, though not mentally incompetent — just stupid — could be worse.” 

“Imagine President Trump had inexplicably told U.S. troops they were deploying to fight Russia,” tweeted foreign policy analyst Clint Ehrlich. “Really imagine it! All we'd be hearing is that he's mentally unfit and must be removed under the 25th Amendment. Joe Biden did the same thing today. But the media has his back...” 

It seems that the Left, however, is getting nervous amid these calls to declare the president unfit to serve, and they took to Twitter to respond. 

Many of the responses were too vulgar to include. The others accused anyone who wants to invoke the 25th Amendment as being a Russian shill. 

“Fox News advocates using the 25th Amendment to remove Biden as President,” wrote a netizen. “Well folks, I couldn’t agree more with him. I consider criticism of Biden’s words represents siding with Putin. There!” 

“If you're a douche who is calling for the 25th Amendment on Biden because he said (correctly) that Putin cannot remain in power... Congratulations. You are one of the bad guys. You chose the side that will be reviled in history,” wrote another user, who calls for the arrest of Trump supporters in his bio. 

“If today you are screaming for the 25th Amendment, you are most likely Russian .. Biden is kicking Putin’s ass …” tweeted another Leftist.