Calls to dismantle CDC after NYT coverup exposé

The New York Times on February 20th tweeted an announcement of the shocking findings of a journalistic investigation it conducted. Had those findings been announced by an independent or alternative journalist it is likely they would have been banned from Twitter for spreading so called “medical misinformation”.

“The CDC has published only a tiny fraction of the Covid data it has collected, including critical data on boosters and hospitalizations, citing incomplete reports or fears of misinterpretation. Critics say the practice causes confusion.”


According to the bombshell article linked in that tweet, “The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects”, anonymous CDC officials revealed that, 

The leading public health agency has only published a small sample of the data it has been collecting — despite being two years into the pandemic.”

Why would the CDC withhold that information? Its spokesperson, Kristen Nordlund, when put on the spot to explain the withholding, “confirmed to the Times fear of misinterpretation was one reason full breakthrough infection data wasn't released.”

In a headline more accurate than that chosen by the Times, the Daily Mail informed its readers,

CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for 33 MILLION Americans aged 18-49 over fears it might show the vaccines as ineffective: FDA expert tells CDC to 'tell the truth.' [Emphasis added]. 

Firing officials not enough

How serious is it when public health officials mandate a chemical injection, promote it as safe and effective, have the FDA request a 55 year delay in the release of the safety data, hide Department of Defense (DOD) data on spikes in illnesses and injuries following the injections, and then have the CDC hide breakthrough infection data?   

As Frontline News previously reported in, ‘That’s murder’: NYT report on CDC sparks outrage, nationally syndicated radio host Jesse Kelly, blamed government health officials for the deaths that followed vaccinations since the very justification for taking a potentially dangerous injection was that it would be effective in preventing COVID infections, hospitalizations and deaths.

“We are talking about medical decisions that ended lives. We don’t need ‘firings’. That’s murder. We need public trials." 

One-two punch to CDC/FDA credibility

The NYT exposé comes on the heels of the landmark lawsuit filed by Ohio-based attorney Thomas Renz on behalf of America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) challenging the government’s coverup of vaccine related adverse events as well as evidence of vaccine ineffectiveness. As the New American reports in, “'Greatest Fraud in History': Doctors Sue Federal Government Over COVID Vax,” 

“The suit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama on February 16 includes a comprehensive amount of evidence regarding such pressing issues as serious side effects linked to COVID vaccinations recorded in the U.S. military and COVID vaccines’ ineffectiveness in preventing infection and protecting one from severe disease, as shown in the breakthrough infections records of Medicare patients.

“The lawsuit alleges that the federal government — and particularly the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is ostensibly responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of medical products — was aware of these issues yet intentionally withheld them from the public.”

Top doctors warn

Now two prominent doctors are predicting congressional action against the officials behind the withholding of crucial medical data from the public. In a video interview with The New American, “Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Peter McCullough Accuse CDC of Scientific Fraud.”

Robert Malone, MD, who has served as professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore school of medicine, is credited with developing the technology used in the mRNA COVID vaccines.

Peter McCullough, MD, has served as section chief of cardiology at the University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine, chief academic and scientific officer of the St. John Providence Health System, Detroit and former vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center.

Patriot Uproar published a transcript of the entire interview in, “WOW: CDC ‘Criminal’ Fraud Investigation Announcement – Americans Are Cheering.” As recorded in the transcript, Dr. Malone argues, 

“This is scientific fraud. In my opinion, if I was to publish a study in which I had a large body of epidemiologic data, and I decided to only public publish part of it because I wanted to advance some agenda, I would be guilty of scientific fraud. The paper would be withdrawn. I would be kicked out of my academic institution. I would be guilty of scientific fraud. That’s what this is.

“And the CDC has, I’ve watched it over the years, become more and more and more a political arm and not serving its function … They are the archive of information which physicians have relied on for decades through the MMWR [Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report] publication. They are the ones that are responsible for providing us the frontline data about what’s going on and where it’s happening and they have stopped performing that function…"

Time to sing

The CDC whistleblowers are not the only public health officials aware of the data coverup and Dr. Malone has advice for the others:

“These government employees that have been participating in hiding this data, they can either be defendants or they can be witnesses … And if they want to do a whistleblower action, speak to Senator Ron Johnson…”

Congressional action

Dr. Malone predicted that Republicans will take control of the Senate in the upcoming elections, which would place Senator Johnson, 

“in charge of the Senate subcommittee on investigations. And I can tell you that he is ready to go.”

Dr. McCullough added that,

“The other area of data transparency we’re extremely concerned about is the Department of Defense epidemiological database information that was released on the January 24th Senate panel

“And it’s clear, there is a manyfold increase across many disease categories among our servicemen year over year. The only thing that’s changed is the administration of the vaccines in large numbers. So data transparency at this point in time will be an area that I believe Dr. Malone is correct, will be intensively investigated. And for those who are close to the data, I think they do have a choice coming up and it’s going to be a matter of them making the right choice and where they want to end up on what side of history.”

Criminal trials not enough

New Jersey Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, an author and attorney with a background in molecular biology, infectious diseases and virology who advocates for medical freedom and has championed the cause to, 'Save African refugees from forced family separations' during COVID, argues that criminal trials are not enough to protect the American public from dangerous actions of public health officials.

In an exclusive statement to Frontline News, Rabbi Smith explained,

“The call to investigate the CDC is welcome but it should not focus only on the issues of today but rather on the decades of manipulation and misrepresentation of data to create health panic. It is a fundamental obligation of citizens to implement justice for the suffering caused by the CDC, the Public Health Service, the World Health Organization and local public health officers.

“This ranges from manipulating black women in the South to have fewer children to using HIV and coronavirus to create fear and crisis and the Great Panic of 2020.

“The CDC and the Public Health Service has (sic) a wide ranging and dangerous network of doctors, researchers, public health officers and reporters who are members of the Epidemiology Intelligence Service that both collect information on Americans and serves as a disinformation distribution network which creates the impression of consensus among doctors and researchers.

“The only solution is to dismantle the CDC and the Public Health Service entirely for the benefit of all Americans."

Philosophical opposition 

Rabbi Smith also detailed his philosophical opposition to the focus of public health bureaucrats on society as a whole to the detriment of the welfare of individual citizens:

“‘Public health’ is the use of government force to create ‘improved’ statistical outcomes.  It cannot end well, as we learn from the public health movement in Germany that consumed the population with propaganda to persuade citizens to agree to ration health care and eliminate the unproductive and non-essential.

“The attempt to manipulate the population into grading people as ‘essential or non-essential’ and lives as ‘worthy or unworthy’ must be rejected by Americans.

“Real health for Americans cannot come from the government.  Health is entirely individual and every human life is infinitely valuable in the eyes of the Creator.  We can give no quarter to the cruel aspirations of those trained in the public health ideology that destroys the individual to make way for the ‘public good’ and that attacks humanity with utilitarian thinking.”

Rabbi Smith’s comments echo an analysis of the public health system recently carried out by Frontline News in, ‘War' against virus used to justify censorship, loss of sovereignty and individual rights, outlining the militarization of public health services, replete with a surgeon general and US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers in full military dress and a sort of ‘Medical CIA’ monitoring the nation’s citizens and secretively directing the media narrative.