California Gov Newsom vacations in ‘travel-banned’ state

California Governor Gavin Newsom is refusing to divulge if the security team he took with him on vacation to Montana was state-funded. Montana is one of 20 states restricted by California Assembly Bill 1887, which bans state-funded and state-sponsored travel to states which don’t align with California’s Far-Left policies on gender disorientation and same-sex attraction. 

But Newsom evidently still finds Montana vacation-worthy. He visited family there with his security team last week and reportedly returned to his office today. While Newsom denies that his vacation itself was state-funded, he will not disclose if his security team was as well. 

“We don’t comment or provide details on the governor’s security,” Newsom’s Senior Advisor for Communications Anthony York told Cal Matters.  

This is not the first time Newsom would have violated the state’s restrictions to accommodate his own leisure. The governor notoriously attended a high-profile party at swanky California restaurant French Laundry while he had prohibited indoor dining for California residents. Photos show that Newsom and his friends were unmasked as they reportedly racked up a $12,000 wine tab. Newsom also came under fire in February when photos surfaced showing him hobnobbing unmasked with basketball legend Magic Johnson while California schoolchildren were still being masked under Newsom’s orders. Newsom subsequently lied, saying he only took off his mask for the photo. 

Despite Newsom’s dismal popularity sparking a widespread recall effort in 2021, the governor has recently taken to campaigning in other states like Florida, hinting at a possible 2024 presidential bid. 

“It’s Independence Day. So let’s talk about what’s going on in America,” Newsom said in a July 4th 30-second spot aired in Florida. Without a hint of irony, Newsom then told Floridians – who experienced no restrictions throughout the pandemic – that their freedom is under attack. “Freedom is under attack in your state. I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight — or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom: freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love. Don’t let them take your freedom.” 

When asked about the ad in a Friday press conference, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis quipped, “I can just tell you this, I was born and raised in this state, and until the last few years I rarely if ever saw a California license plate in the state of Florida. You now see a lot of them. I can tell you if you go to California you ain’t seeing very many Florida license plates.” 

“Gavin Newsom is running campaign ads in better-run states and refusing to tell the taxpayers where he is or when he will return to his overtaxed, under-served constituents,” famed attorney Harmeet Dhillon stated. “We’d love to know the gas prices and the COVID emergency status where the Governor is. Most Californians can’t afford to take their normal holidays this year, thanks to Gavin Newsom and his party’s lack of leadership of our state.”