California bill aims to grant state monopoly on education, force sexual indoctrination

A bill introduced in the California legislature last month aims to grant the state a monopoly on education and will require schools to integrate sexual disorientation in their curricula.

Whereas currently, schools boards are free to remove material from curricula they deem objectionable, AB1078 will require the boards to first seek permission from the California School Boards Association (CSBA) before removing any materials.

Those materials are now required to include indoctrination about sexual disorientation and how those who suffer from gender dysphoria have contributed to society.

“This bill would revise the list of culturally and racially diverse groups to instead include materials that accurately portray the contributions of people of all gender expressions and the role and contributions of LGBTQ+ Americans,” reads the legislation. “The bill would also require that every instructional material adopted by a governing board include proportional and accurate representation of California’s diversity in the categories of race, gender, socioeconomic status, religion, and sexuality.”

California’s public schools currently have the lowest literacy rate in the nation and are saturated with teachers who have been indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory (CRT), an ideology which divides children by the color of their skin. Minority children are taught that they are naturally disadvantaged at the hands of white children, who are born guilty of oppression.

It is against this backdrop that minorities are fleeing to homeschools, where 41% of homeschool students are Black, Asian, Hispanic, and others (i.e., not White/non-Hispanic) and where Black homeschool students score 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students, according to a study.

More families across the nation have been choosing to educate their children at home due to what the New American describes as “government indoctrination, sexualization, forced masking, and dangerous dumbing down.”

Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon has still not fired football coach and health teacher Kirk Miller after he required students to complete a sexual fantasy assignment in his Human Sexuality class, which involved a spin-the-wheel exercise. The students had to spin the wheel on a large screen in the front of the classroom. The wheel would land on one of various sex acts as the other students and Mr. Miller watched. The story went viral and the school placed Mr. Miller on paid administrative leave, but has refused to terminate the teacher.

study commissioned by the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) found that “homeschoolers are still achieving well beyond their public school counterparts—no matter what their family background, socioeconomic level, or style of homeschooling.”

But California’s AB1078 is an example of what renowned psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald calls “centralized education”.

“Centralized education, controlled by a centralized government, led to the transformation of education into indoctrination,” says Dr. McDonald, saying that education systems operate on “a concerted effort to indoctrinate children with leftist ideology and corrupt them with sick, perverse, and abusive lies.”

“For those who see education as a means to a different end—instilling basic knowledge, critical thinking skills, and good values into the minds and character of American children—the government school system has become an enemy, one so dangerous that the only way to fix it is to destroy it,” says Dr. McDonald.

The National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, has also warned of sexual assault occurring “with alarming frequency in school bathrooms, on school playgrounds, and in the backs of school buses.”