Busy day for tyranny in Hollywood

Tuesday was a busy day for the authoritarian globalists of Hollywood, several of whom shared political hot takes that were shocking even for show business. 

“If you don’t want a Civil War, vote for Democrats in November. If you do want Civil War, vote Republican,” tweeted comedienne and actress Kathy Griffin.  

It is unclear if Griffin’s tweet was a prediction or a threat that if the Democrats are not victorious in November, they will start a civil war against the Republican government. The latter is not inconceivable given Griffin’s violent hatred for her political opponents. In 2017, Griffin made herself relevant by posting a photoshoot in which she held a model of President Trump’s severed, bloodied head. She removed the photo following backlash, but then reposted it in 2020. 

Actress Patricia Arquette also shared her thoughts yesterday on the Biden regime’s hunt of President Trump, saying that the FBI should search 16-year-old Barron Trump’s room and Melania Trump’s underwear drawer. 

“The FBI can and should look in Barron’s room and Melanie’s underwear drawer and any and everywhere else. Trump and his lawyers lied about turning over ALL records. Why does he want elitist privileges? #DontDoTheCrimeIfYouCantDoTheTime.” 

Actor and director Rob Reiner also demanded a pound of flesh, calling on the FBI to arrest Trump. 

“Donald Trump stole Top Secret Highly Classified Nuclear Documents,” Reiner tweeted. “He has put our Nation in danger. No more deference. No more political considerations. No man is above the law. Time to make an arrest.” 

In a lengthy interview with Vogue published Tuesday, Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence shared she is trying to forgive her family for having the wrong opinions. 

“I just worked so hard in the last five years to forgive my dad and my family and try to understand: It’s different. The information they are getting is different. Their life is different. I’ve tried to get over it and I really can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry I’m just unleashing,” the actress said to the reporter deliberately on the record, “but I can’t f*ck with people who aren’t political anymore. You live in the United States of America. You have to be political. It’s too dire. Politics are killing people.” 

Lawrence spent much of the interview being a victim, saying she was paid less than some male actors in American Hustle, she is a casualty of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, and even has nightmares about Tucker Carlson. 

In 2016, Lawrence suggested that hurricanes were a punishment for electing Trump. 

“It’s really hard … not to feel mother nature’s rage and wrath,” she said at the time. 

Responding to Lawrence’s nightmares about Tucker Carlson, Carlson himself weighed in Tuesday in a response described as “the most Tucker thing ever.” 

“When you work in television, you lose control of a lot of things,” Carlson began the segment, adding, “So can it really be your fault, are you really responsible if major Hollywood starlets dream about you? Maybe it’s the sexy glasses. Who knows? We can only speculate.” 

“So she says she has nightmares about us, that’s what they’re calling it. Nightmares,” Carlson continued. “We’re flattered. I think it’s the sexy glasses.”